Chair of Business Education and Human Resource Development

Welcome to the website of the Chair of Business Education and Human Resource Development.

Here you will find information on our Bachelor's and Master's programme, lectures and complementary courses. Furthermore, there is an overview of our research areas, research projects as well as conference presentations and publications.

Research activities are focused on the quality and effectiveness of vocational and further education and training, in particular in the domain of commerce and business administration. Key research issues refer to the assessment of learning outcomes in vocational education and training, including competence measurement and proficiency scaling, as well as the evaluation of teaching and learning conditions. Special emphasis is also placed on the pre-service and in-service professionalization of respective teachers and educators.

Current vacancies:

- Tutor*in für die Übung zur Vorlesung „Theorien des Lehrens und Lernens“ (B.WIWI-WIP.0005)