"InnoLA" - Innovative, interactive learning and assessment module for training personnel in business and administration - funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Project duration: 01.04.2016 - 30.04.2019
Brief description:
An adequate integration of sustainability in companies requires that all business activities have to be considered against the background of the three dimensions of sustainability economy, ecology and social issues. Consideration of sustainability on all staff and decision-making levels of the company doubtlessly also refers to the area of initial vocational training and further company-based training which covers both the training personnel as well as the trainees. The target of the joint project "InnoLA" is the development, implementation and dissemination of a computer- and simulation-based learning and assessment system about sustainable behaviour in commercial professions. The main emphasis is on the apprenticeships in the area of freight forwarding and logistics services, of warehouse logistics as well as for Industrial Clerks. The learning and assessment module to be developed addresses various subjects of sustainability management at workplaces in business and administration. In particular, the conflicting goals, interactions and dilemmas between the three dimensions of sustainability shall be explained and - in concrete decision-making situations - be made perceptible as well as comprehensible to the companys training personnel and finally to the trainees. For this purpose, qualitative company case studies and surveys are conducted in the companies in order to reveal such individual and institutional factors which favour or complicate a systematic curricular anchoring and implementation of sustainability aspects in vocational training from the point of view of the in-company training personnel. On this basis, an intervention study is developed and implemented by means of an IT-supported learning and assessment system. The intervention study examines the effectiveness of learning with problem-based and interactive learning opportunities compared to teaching-learning situations of conventional lessons in the domain of sustainable entrepreneurial management. It is aimed at supporting competences for sustainable management in such a way that those responsible for vocational training reflect and solve economic decision-making situations against the background of sustainability interests and that they systematically integrate sustainability perspectives into the commercial training. For this purpose, the relevant learning contents have to be structured and transferred into inspiring learning situations with authentic and complex problems and business processes. Video vignettes and computer simulations will be developed and used for the learning and assessment system. Within the framework of the dissemination phase, the training personnel shall finally be enabled to modify and further develop the learning and assessment system for applying it in the vocational education and training in business and administration.
- Greiwe, C. (2019). Förderung von Kompetenzen im Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement: (Erste) Befunde aus einer Trainingsstudie mit Studierenden der Wirtschaftspädagogik.[Promoting competencies in sustainability management. (First) Findings of a training study with Business Education students]. Beitrag auf der Jahrestagung der Sektion BWP der DGfE in Graz vom 25. - 27. September 2019.
- Greiwe, C. & Seeber, S. (2017). Curriculare und didaktische Ansätze zur Entwicklung eines computerbasierten Lernmoduls zum nachhaltigen Wirtschaften im Bereich Spedition und Logistik [Curricular and didactic approaches for the development of a computer-based learning module for sustainable management in the field of freight forwarding and logistics]. Jahrestagung der Sektion BWP der DGfE in Stuttgart vom 25. - 27. September 2017.
Joint project management:
- Prof. Dr. Susan Seeber; Chair of Business Education and Human Resource Development
Joint project partner:
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Dierkes; Chair of Finance and Control
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann; Chair of Application Systems and E-Business
Project team members:
- Carolin Greiwe M. Ed.; Chair of Business Education and Human Resource Development
- Jan Moritz Anke M. Sc.; Chair of Application Systems and E-Business
- Johannes Kuhaupt M. Sc.; Chair of Finance and Control
"This project is being sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, Funding number: 21BBNE13). Responsibility for the contents of this publication rests with the authors."