Ko-NaMa - simulation-based measurement and validation of a competence model for sustainability management - funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Project duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.03.2019
Brief description:
The co-operative project Ko-NaMa aims at the validation of a multidimensional competency model for sustainability management. A total of three test components is to be implemented: (1) a test aiming at the measurement of declarative knowledge in the domain of sustainability management, (2) a test assessing declarative and procedural knowledge in business administration, aiming primarily at economic concepts and corresponding efficiency-geared decision-making, and (3) a complex simulation-based test, in which authentic business situations related to problems of sustainability are represented. In addition, several validation studies are projected which are intended to provide empirical evidence substantiating the underlying competency model. These studies comprise analyses examining the curricular validity of assessments in the tertiary sector, the significance of the measured competencies for making decisions, as well as the corresponding construct validity. In the context of an intervention study involving the application of a specific training component for sustainability management in three locations, the effects of specific learning opportunities are to be investigated. Control groups are to be recruited among students from locations, where learning opportunities concerning sustainability management are provided either based on a general societal perspective or by way of integrating them into existing modules in the field of business administration.
Publications and Presentations
- Michaelis, C., Aichele, C., Hartig, J., Seeber, S., Dierkes, S. Schumann, M. Anke J. M., Siepelmeyer, D., & Repp, A. (im Druck). Impact of Affective-Motivational Dispositions on Competence in Sustainability Management. In O. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, H. A. Pant, M. Toepper, & C. Lautenbach (Hrsg.), Student Learning Outcomes in Higher Education. Springer: Wiesbaden.
- Seeber, S., Michaelis, C., Repp, A., Hartig, J., Aichele, C., Schumann, M., Anke, J.-M., Dierkes, S., & Siepelmeyer, D. (2019). Assessment of Competences in Sustainability Management: Analyses to the Construct Dimensionality. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 33(2), 148-158. https://doi.org/10.1024/1010-0652/a000240
- Repp, A. (2019): Cognitive Processes of Students in Sustainability Management. In C. Lautenbach, J. Fischer, O. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, H.A. Pant & M- Toepper (Hrsg.), Student Learning Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education. Perspectives, Concepts and Approaches for Research, Transfer and Implementation (p. 52-54) (KoKoHS Working Paper Nr. 12).
- Seeber, S., Hartig, J., Dierkes, S. & Schumann, M. (2016). Ko-NaMa – Simulation-based Measurement and Validation of a Competence Model for Sustainability Management. In H. A. Pant, , O. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia,, C., Lautenbach, M. Toepper, & D. Molerov (eds.), Modeling and Measuring Competencies in Higher Education – Validation and Methodological Innovations (KoKoHs) – Overview of the Research Projects (p. 53-56) (KoKoHs Working Papers, 11). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt University & Johannes Gutenberg University.
- Michaelis, C., Greiwe, C., Repp, A., & Seeber, S. (2018). Kompetenzvergleich zum nachhaltigen Wirtschaften zwischen Wirtschaftspädagogen und BWL-Studierenden [A comparison of competences for sustainable management of prospective teachers at business schools and business administration students]. Einzelbeitrag auf der Tagung der AEPF vom 24.09. bis 26.09.2018 in Lüneburg.
- Seeber, S., Michaelis, C., & Repp, A. (2018). Zum Einfluss von Einstellungen zum nachhaltigen Wirtschaften auf die Kompetenz des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements [The influence of attitudes towards sustainable management on the competence of sustainability management]. Einzelbeitrag auf der Jahrestagung der Sektion BWP der DGfE vom 03. bis 05.09.2018 in Frankfurt a.M.
- Prof. Dr. Susan Seeber; Chair of Business Education and Human Resource Management
Internal project partners:
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Dierkes; Chair of Finance and Controlling
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann, Chair of Application Systems and E-Business
External project partner:
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Hartig, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Frankfurt, Head of the unit "Educational Measurement"
Project staff:
- Dr. Christian Michaelis, Business Education and Human Resource Management
- Anton Repp M.Ed., Business Education and Human Resource Management
- David Siepelmeyer, M.Sc., Finance and Controlling
- Janne Kleinhans, M.Sc., Application Systems and E-Business
- Christine Aichele, M.Sc., German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Frankfurt, Unit "Educational Measurement"
"This project is being sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, Funding number: 01PK15010). Responsibility for the contents of this publication rests with the authors."