Vocational Training Report 2015: Economic performance and social equality of opportunities of the vocational training system at federal state level - funded by the Bertelsmann Foundation

Project duration: October 2014 to September 2015

Brief description:

The project "Vocational Training Report 2015" illustrates the total vocational training system within the Federal Republic of Germany from the perspective of performance and equality of opportunities. In this context, state-specific features are particularly elaborated. It is aimed at a differentiated analysis of the vocational training system including - apart from the training offer and the demand in the dual as well as in the full-time school-based training sector ? the vocational transition system and whatever follows subsequent to vocational training. The analysis perspectives with the central concepts of performance and equality of opportunities of vocational training are first of all justified and operationalised from the perspective of educational sociology and education economics. For this purpose, a set of meaningful indicators for the analysis of performance and equality of opportunities of vocational training are identified and developed at federal and federal state level. The indicator-based illustration of the vocational training activities is effected at federal and federal state level by input and outcome factors. The input indicators include the features which structure, extend or restrict the training offer such as activities by companies and state actors of vocational training. They provide the basis for the supplying of the economy with qualified staff and the skilled workers with professional development and earnings opportunities. The outcome indicators cover all results of vocational training which provide information about how to supply the regional labour market with qualified staff and how to support the employment chances of young people by means of training. The input and outcome indicators are evaluated for the 16 federal states as well as at federal level, thus making visible the performance and equality of opportunities within the vocational training system. The socio-economic context of vocational training is described and referred to in addition to the indicators for the interpretations of performance and equality of opportunities of the vocational training system. Furthermore, a state report is prepared for each federal state on the vocational training situation - framework conditions, specific features, differences with regard to the performance level and to the equality of opportunities.

Project lead:

  • Prof. Dr. Susan Seeber

Project staff:

  • Dipl.-Hdl. Beatrice Lenz
  • Christian Michaelis, M.Ed.

Joint project partners:

  • Prof. Dr. Martin Baethge, Dipl.-Sozw. Markus Wieck, Sociological Research Institute at the University of Göttingen (SOFI)
  • Prof. Dr. Kai Maaz, Dr. Daniela Jäger, Dr. Stefan Kühne, Sebastian Wurster M.A., German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF)