Online Workshop
Alternative Epistemologies: Gender-Inclusive Perspectives on Oral History and Knowing in Micronesia

On Thursday, April 13, 2023 the ERC Project Sound Knowledge. Alternative Epistemologies of Music in the Western Pacific Island World (PI Prof. Dr. Birgit Abels) is hosting an online workshop with Myjolynne Marie Kim, M.A. reflecting Alternative Epistemologies: Gender-Inclusive Perspectives on Oral History and Knowing in Micronesia.

The workshop takes place online from 9.30am to 11am (CET) (6.30pm–8pm CHUT (Chuuk Time)).
For registration please send an email to:

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Myjolynne (Mymy) Kim is from Chuuk in the Federated States of Micronesia. In her current research project “From Silent to Salient: Reengaging local stories of Chuukese women”, she uses Indigenous stories, languages and methodologies to reframe a gender-inclusive (his)tory of Chuuk and to re-engage Chuukese women in (his)tory-making, leadership, decisionmaking, and public policy. Mymy is a PhD candidate in Pacific History with the Department of Pacific Affairs, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs.