Conferences Contemporary Poetics, Communities, and Publics Conference "Rethinking Cold War Literary Culture" Keynote Lectures in Early American Studies. DFG Research Network “Voices & Agencies, America and the Atlantic, 1600-1865” More-than-Human Studies Symposium University of Illinois, Fifth Annual Animal Studies Summer Institute, July 9-15, 2023 Voices & Agencies, America and the Atlantic, 1600-1865 Symposium: Articulations of the Nonhuman Turn in Theory, Literature and the Arts Panel Discussion on "Cultural Studies and Populism" “Poetry and Populism.“ A Symposium, July 12-14, 2018, University of Goettingen Interdisciplinary Conference "Glocal Places of Literature: Production – Distribution – Reception" "The American Weird: Ecologies & Geographies", April 12-14, 2018, University of Göttingen International Conference "Cultures of US-American Conservatism" Conference "Cultures of Obsolescence in North America: Aesthetics, Materiality, History" From 'Object of Refuge' to 'Thing Theory 2017 PREVIOUS CONFERENCES