Girls' Day on 27 April 2023 - The Faculty of Business and Economics is taking part
Scientists from the Faculty of Business and Economics are taking part in the nationwide Girls’Day (Future Day for Girls) with two offers (in German). The next Girls' Day will take place on 27 April 2023.
Dr. Kristin Masuch (Research Group for Information Security and Compliance), together with other staff members of the Faculty's Business Information Systems professorships, will show the participating girls how they can safely navigate the internet and, above all, how their social media profiles are seen by hackers. The offer is aimed at girls aged 13 to 15 and is fully booked.
In addition, Lisa Bogler and Sophie Ochmann from the Chair of Development Economics/CeMIS will give insights into the process of a research project. The offer is aimed at girls in 8th to 10th grade and is also already fully booked.
The Girls'Day is a nationwide orientation day for girls to find out about careers and studies. It is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
On Girls'Day, girls learn about professions or fields of study in which the proportion of women is less than 40 percent, e.g. in the fields of IT, crafts, natural sciences and technology. Or they meet female role models in leadership positions in business and politics.
The Boys’Day takes place parallel to the Girls’Day. On Boys'Day, boys get to know professions or fields of study in which the proportion of men is less than 40 percent, e.g. in the fields of health/nursing, education/social work or services. Or they take part in workshops on career and life choices or role models.