Dr. Tista Mukherjee

Home university: University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
Duration of the Fellowship: 12 months (1 May 2023 - 31 April 2024)

Research interests:
Development Economics, Institutions, Gender

Why did you apply for the fellowship?
Since the very beginning of my research, I drew inspiration from Professor Klasen’s pathbraking contributions on gender inequality, women’s work and the role of social institutions on women’s empowerment in developing countries. I applied for this fellowship to enrich my research skills through communication and collaboration with the resourceful team of Göttingen’s Faculty of Business and Economics.

What would you like to achieve during the course of the fellowship?
During my stay at Göttingen, I expect to consolidate my existing research work, develop new ideas and learn new methods of quantitative research. I strongly believe that at the end of these twelve months, I would move a step closer to responsible research.

Göttingen at first (and second) sight?
At first sight, Göttingen is a beautiful university town with lots of greenery and flowers.
Second: Since my arrival, everyone I came across extended their support and greetings which makes my stay more comfortable.

What do you do when you are not doing research?
I enjoy exploring the city on foot. I also look forward to being familiar with the German music and culture.