M.Biodiv.438: Isolation of plant and animal species in fragmented habitats
6 Credits, 6 WLH
Learning outcome, core skills:
The fragmentation of habitats and the subsequent isolation of populations of organisms such as plants and animals are important issues related to conservation biology, planning and land management. The module introduces to the fundamental concepts of habitat and landscape fragmentation and sheds light on isolation of various species groups and subsequent ecological consequences. Plants, vertebrates and invertebrates and their interactions are integrated in exercises and projects. Participants learn advanced GIS-skills to analyse patterns and spatial relations. Students address stakeholder interests during the development of own projects. They tackle problems and investigate solutions in intensive group works, set up a GIS-based project, and present maps and concepts to stakeholders, peers and lecturers for final evaluation. Students from partner Universities (UTalca, etc.) take part, so global and local issues are addressed during online meetings and meetings on-site. Inter-University collaboration and international exchange is strengthened.
- M.Biodiv.438.Lec Introduction to habitat fragmentation and isolation of species (Lecture)
- M.Biodiv.438.Sem Issues and solutions related to habitat fragmentation and isolation of species (Seminar)
- M.Biodiv.438.Ex Online self-learning module on QGIS and work on final project
Oral Presentation (approx. 30 minutes)
Examination requirements:
Knowledge of data handling, interpretation and presentation in QGIS. Critical evaluation of alternative solutions, comparison to recent literature, and ability to develop collaborative work. Presentation and defence for a mixed scientific and public audience.
Person responsible for module:
Dr. Florian Goedecke, Prof. Dr. Claudio Ramirez (UTalca)