Dr. Yoon-Sun Huh

Dr. Yoon-Sun Huh manages the professorship for sports pedagogy and sports didactics. Previously, she was an academic councilor at TU Dortmund in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, specializing in movement in rehabilitation and pedagogy for disabilities. She completed a BA and MA in "Human Movement & Performance" as well as "Sport & Leisure Science" at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea. She completed her doctorate on the topic of "Intercultural Movement and Sports Education" in 2010 at the University of Osnabrück, Department of Educational and Cultural Sciences. Her teaching focuses are: sports pedagogy and didactics, movement, play, and sports with an aspect of health promotion, psychomotor developmental support over the lifespan. Research areas include: body-related and movement-related educational processes in school and extracurricular contexts, as well as questions of migration, education, and health with a view to school and extracurricular fields of action in movement, play, and sports.

Room: 5.104
Phone: 0551 - 39 28916
Email: yoon-sun.huh@uni-goettingen.de
Office hours: Thursdays 14:00 – 15:00 h

Educational Background

  • 1992 - 1999 Study at Ewha Womans University in Seoul (BA/MA): "Human Movement & Performance: Sport and Leisure Science". MA thesis: "The qualitative analysis of Teaching Perspectives of Sport Teachers"
  • 1999 - 2003 Doctoral studies at the University of Göttingen (scholarship according to the Lower Saxony Graduate Promotion Act)
  • 2003 - 2010 Continuation and completion of the doctorate at the University of Osnabrück, topic: "Intercultural Movement and Sports Education", Department of Educational and Cultural Sciences
  • 2011 - 2012 Post-Doc Studies at Ewha Woman University, Seoul Korea, topic: "A Study on Development of an Integrative Perspective and Teaching Model for the Intercultural Education through Human Movement and Sports Activity"

Professional Career

  • Since 04.2024 Administrative officer of the professorship at the University of Göttingen, Institute for Sports Science, Sports Pedagogy and Sports Didactics
  • 2020 – 2024 Academic councilor at TU Dortmund, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, focus in teaching and research: Movement pedagogy and mototherapy, inclusive cultural education, psychomotor developmental support over the lifespan
  • 2013 – 2020 Research assistant, University of Osnabrück, Department of Educational and Cultural Sciences, Institute for Sports and Exercise Sciences, BA and MA teacher training, focus in teaching and research: Sports and education, health promotion in sports, integration and intercultural movement education, fitness, gymnastics/dance & nature sports
  • 2007 – 2011 Lecturer for special tasks, module coordinator gymnastics/dance, Institute for Sports and Exercise Sciences, Department of Educational and Cultural Sciences, University of Osnabrück
  • 2004 – 2006 Lecturer, Institute for Sports and Exercise Sciences, Department of Educational and Cultural Sciences, University of Osnabrück
  • 2004 - 2005 Research assistant, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Pedagogical Seminar, Institute for Educational Sciences, in the working group "Play Pedagogy and Didactics" (Prof. Dr. J. Hilmer)
  • 2001 - 2003 Research assistant, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Institute for Educational Sciences, "Center for Empirical Teaching Research (ZeUS)" (Prof. Dr. D. Lemmermöhle)
  • 1998 – 1999 Teaching assistant, Ewha Womans University Seoul Korea, Human Movement and Sports Studies. Responsibility: "Sports education and teaching method"

  • Body-related and movement-related educational processes in school and extracurricular contexts
  • Migration, education, and health - including intercultural pedagogy of movement, play, and sports
  • Health status and physical activity of women with migration backgrounds
  • Development of concepts for health promotion through movement for older people with social isolation and loneliness"
  • Psychomotor promotion of positive self-concept and resilience

Summer Semester 2024

  • In-depth perspectives of sports pedagogy and didactics: "Movement, Education, and Health Promotion"
  • Selected topics on movement and health promotion from a sports pedagogical and didactic perspective: Movement culture and health promotion
  • Psychomotricity – Developmental support through movement
  • Colloquium "Master's Completion Module

Books: Monographs and Edited Volumes

  • Huh, Y.-S. (in press: to be published in May 2024): Migration, Education, and Health. Inclusive Intercultural Pedagogy of Movement, Play, and Sports. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren
  • Huh, Y.-S. (in preparation, Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, completion 2025): Movement Pedagogical Work with Older People
  • Huh, Y.-S. (2010): Intercultural Movement and Sports Education. Issues, Foundations, Teaching Perspectives. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren
  • Huh, Y.-S., Tomka, M., Gravemann, A.-K. & Elflein, P. (Eds.) (2023): Choreography & Performance. Studies on Aesthetic Education in Movement, Play, and Sports. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren
  • Huh, Y.-S., Elflein, P., Langer, W., & Kamp S. (Eds.) (2021): Didactics of Innovative Physical Education. 2nd ed. (First edition 2018). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren

Articles in Journals and Anthologies since 2010

  • Huh, Y.-S. (2021): Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Movement Education Using the Example of Mask Play of Cultures. In: Motorik Journal, 44, 4, Munich: Ernst Reinhardt, pp.190-191
  • Huh, Y.-S. (2021): Review of: Rösner & Apprich: Accepting and Movingly Accompanying. Motogeragogy – a resource- and movement-oriented approach, In: Motorik Journal, 44, 1, Munich: Ernst Reinhardt, pp.39-40,
  • Huh, Y.-S. (2019): Integration and Inclusive Intercultural Learning in Innovative Physical Education. In: Elflein, P., Langer, W. Huh, Y.-S. & Kamp, S. (Eds.): Didactics of Innovative Physical Education. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider, pp. 130-153
  • Huh, Y.-S., Homann, M. & Müller, M. (2018): Inclusive Aesthetic Education and Health at Vocational Schools - Using the Example of a Movement and Dance Theater Project. In: Elflein, P., Brauweiler, F., Klingen, P. & Langer, W. (Eds.): Sports in Vocational Education between Tradition, Vision, and Innovation. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider, pp. 223-237
  • Huh, Y.-S. (2017): Movement Games from Around the World – with a Focus on Intercultural Movement Education. In: Zimmer, R. & Hunger, I. (Eds.): Starting Well. Movement – Development – Diversity. Schorndorf: Hofmann, pp. 106-109
  • Huh, Y.-S. (2016): "World Language of Play" - Intercultural Movement Education in Psychomotor Activity. In: Jessel, H. & Krus, A. (Eds.): Everyone Can Move. Volume 14, Lemgo: Action Circle Psychomotor Activity, pp. 37-46
  • Huh, Y.-S., Ehlert, T., Ulfers, E. & Elflein, P. (2015): Health-Oriented Movement from West and East. In: Elflein, P., Langer, W. Huh, Y. & Kamp, S. (Eds.) Contributions to Innovative Physical Education in the Context of General and Vocational Education. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider, pp. 157-166
  • Huh, Y.-S. & Elflein, P. (2014): Sports and Physical Education within the Framework of a Healthy School. In: Journal of Vocational Education (BbSch) 66, 5, pp. 168-173
  • Huh, Y.-S., Elflein P.& Kim, K.-S. (2012): An Exploratory Analysis on the Historical Context of Intercultural Education and Perspectives of Sport Pedagogy in Germany. In: Korean Journal of Sport Pedagogy, Vol. 19, 2, pp. 197-218
  • Huh, Y.-S. (2012): Creative Dance and Dance Pedagogy. Approaches, Integrative Position, Attempt at Mediation. In: Hunger, I. & Zimmer, R. (Eds.): Early Childhood in Motion. Schorndorf: Hofmann, pp. 335-340
  • Huh, Y.-S. (2011): Intercultural Learning and Self-Competence Promotion. Approaches and Attempts at Mediation in Vocational School Sports. In: Brauweiler, F., Elflein, P. & Klinge, P. (Eds.): Promoting Self-Competence of Students., State Institute for School Bremen LIS In-House Printing, pp. 103-113
  • Huh, Y.-S. (2010): A Study on Development of an Integrative Perspective and Teaching Model for the Intercultural Education through Human Movement and Sport Activity. In: S.-Ch., Kim (Ed.): Sport and Identity in a Multicultural Society. Journal of Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. The International Sport Science Congress, ChunChon Korea, pp. 134-136
  • Huh, Y.-S. (2009): Moving and Reflective. Health Promotion with a Focus on Intercultural Education. In: Hunger, I. & Zimmer, R. (Eds.): Educational Opportunities through Movement. Schorndorf: Hofmann, pp. 271 - 277