TBN Forst²

The Testbetriebsnetz Forst (TBN Forst, the forest accountancy network) of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture is the most important source of data for assessing the economic situation of forest enterprises in Germany. The annual survey of around 650 key figures involves a relatively high level of effort for the enterprises. In addition to a tense personnel situation in many enterprises, the calamities of recent years have created an additional high workload. In order to counteract the decline in the number of participants, the research project "Further development of the comparison of key figures for forest enterprises" aims to investigate approaches to reduce the effort involved in the survey and to increase the benefits of participation for the enterprises. To this end, the project will first analyze the data material available in the forest enterprises, the accounting regulations and the software systems used. Furthermore, the existing data collection structures in the different types of forest ownership and federal states will be examined.

Within the project the information requirements for forest enterprise analysis and consulting, statistical reporting obligations and policy advice are determined. Furthermore, an analysis of the potential for simplifying the survey is to be carried out. Alternative systems, for example in agriculture and other sectors, as well as comparisons of forest enterprises, are also to be examined with regard to conceptual indications. In the department of Forest Economics and Sustainable Land Use Planning, enterprise comparisons and benchmarking concepts outside the forestry and agricultural sector are analyzed for this purpose.

The aim of the project funded by the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR) is to identify and analyze possible options for maintaining and further developing this important data source. The project is being advised by a project-accompanying working group consisting of members of the Committee for Business Management of the “Deutscher Forstwirtschaftsrat”.

Further information and updates on the project can be found on the TBN Forst²-Website.

Person in charge:
Möbius, F.;Paul, C.; Dög, M.

Funded by:
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe

Project partner:
Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen
Thünen-Institut für Waldwirtschaft
Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg

2023 to 2026