Requirements MSc Computional Biology and Bioinformatics
Applicants should possess
- a Bachelor's degree (6 semester) in Bioinformatics, Biology, Biotechnology or in Computational Sciences (with a minor in the field of Bioinformatics or Biology). Application is also possible for students who passed at least 3/4 of their Bachelor (150 of 180 C).
Applicants need:
-major in biology : at least 50 C in Biology and 40 C in Bioinformatics, Informatics, Mathematics or Physics
-major in Bioinformatics or Computer Sciences: at least 30 C in Biology and Bioinformatics 60 C in Informatics, Mathematics, Physics or Bioinformatics
- proficiency in English level C1 or higher, if English it not your native language.
-approved language certificates for admission are listed here: Language Tests Englisch - Knowledge of German is not necessary, but existing language certificates can still be submitted
- Certificates and references to further knowledge are also welcome.
Often our requirements are fulfilled by applicants with a Bachelor in:
- Bioinformatics
- Biology
- Biotechnology
- Informatics (with additional knowledeg in Biology/Bioinformatics)
- Bioinformatics