Musicological Colloquium Winter Term 2024/25

How can music and creativity be explored digitally? Can AI reconstruct lost fragments of compositions? Why do we need virtual acoustics? Which tools help us to explore the musics of the world? And what do string quartets have to do with embodied knowledge? The Musicology Colloquium in the winter term 2024/25 will address questions like these and many others. Internationally renowned researchers will join us in Göttingen to discuss their projects and think about musicology in the age of digitalization.

What is the Musicology Colloquium?

The musicology colloquium provides thought-provoking insights into musicological research. It serves the purpose of networking and the discussion of various lectures. Scholars from musicology and other disciplines are invited to present their current research projects or discuss new research approaches. Master's students also present their theses in this context. Whether at Master's or Bachelor's level - all students are welcome to take part in the colloquium, join in the discussions and talk to experienced researchers or simply listen and take a glimpse into the world of science.

  • 23. Oktober 2024
    Prof. Dr. Stefanie Acquavella-Rauch, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
    Digital Methods and Music Creative Research
    • 06. November 2024
      Prof. Dr. Christine Hoppe, Universität der Künste Berlin
      Ein musikalisches Leben in Göttingen. Das Stammbuch des Akademischen Musikdirektors Arnold Wehner als persönliches Archiv
      • 20. November 2024
        Marie Sandor, B.A., Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
        Verhandlungen von Macht, Geschlecht und Selbstwirksamkeit in ›Self Empowerment‹ Popsongs
        • 04. Dezember 2024
          Prof. Dr. Birger Petersen & Henrik Schuld, M.A., Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
          Mutmaßungen über Pagendarm. Kirchenmusikpraxis des 17. Jahrhunderts und Künstliche Intelligenz
          • 18. Dezember 2024
            Dominik Ukolov, M.A., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
            Multimodale Digitalisierung und Virtualisierung von Pfeifenorgeln: Strategien, Werkzeuge und Plattformen zur Erzeugung von nachhaltigen Forschungsdaten (online|hybrid)
            • 15. Januar 2025
              Prof. Dr. Maria Behrendt, Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover
              Zwischen Raffgier und Romantik: Tolkiens Zwergenlied »Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold« im filmischen Vergleich
              • 05. Februar 2025
                Prof. Dr. Nico Schüler, Texas State University
                Music & Data. On the History of Digital Music Research (online|hybrid)