Quality Round on January 16, 2025

Dear colleagues and students,

We invite you to take part in the quality round on Januar 16, 2025 to discuss the quality of the degree programmes, analyse a selection of criteria and, if necessary, discuss measures for improvement.

On January 16, 2025 the quality round
20242 QR Zyklus 1 Runde 2 Phil 10 (Musikwiss.)
meets at:

11:00 to ca. 12:30
13:15 to ca. 14:15
14:30 to ca. 16:00

for discussions about the following study programmes:

Bachelor (2 Fächer)_Musikwissenschaft
Master_Kulturelle Musikwissensch

The meeting will take place in presence:
Street: Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14
Location/Building: KWZ
Room: 1.731

Under the following link you will find the documents provided for this quality round: documents for the quality round

This website is only accessible from the university network and VPN. If you have not yet been authorised for the documents, you will be notified separately later. To log in, please use your university account with your normal password.

External experts:
In our regular quality rounds, the degree programmes are examined and evaluated in detail. All stakeholders of the participating degree programmes are given the opportunity to discuss the degree programme, its quality and its development prospects, work together on challenges and develop recommendations for action. The integration of external perspectives, the expertise of experts, also takes place within the framework of these decentrally organised formats. External experts have therefore been invited to the current quality round, who will accompany the round as ’Critical Friends‘, take part in the discussions and then draw up an expert opinion on the study programmes under review. The reviewers come from the fields of specialised science, professional practice and external students. Of course, you will receive all relevant information on the degree programmes in advance (regulations, module directories, minutes of previous quality rounds, current table of measures, etc.).

Controlling of measures:
An important component of decentralised QM is the implementation of the measures proposed in the quality rounds, as well as the controlling of measures as part of the quality round. The current table of measures is available to you for this purpose, showing you which measures from previous rounds have already been finalised, which are still being processed or have not yet been started and which measures will definitely not be implemented. In addition, it is also up to those involved in the quality round to determine whether the problems or weaknesses have been resolved or whether they need to be addressed by new or renewed measures in order to ultimately lead to success.

The following highlighted criteria were selected for evaluation:

1 Didactic concept
 1.1 Qualification objectives of the degree program (general)
  1.1.1 Academic aptitude and academic competence (incl. methodological competence)
  1.1.2 Ability to take up qualified employment (also: interdisciplinary skills)
  1.1.3 Personal development and ability to participate in society
  1.1.4 Academic self-image/professionalism
  1.1.5 Communication and cooperation, mediation skills
  1.1.6 Internationalization
  1.1.7 Digitalization/digital skills
  1.1.8 Diversity
  1.1.9 Sustainability
 1.2 Achievement of the qualification objectives
 1.3 Adequate admission requirements
1.4 Quality and transparency of examination requirements
1.5 Adequate examination system
 1.6 Feedback system for examinations
2 Studyability
 2.1 Study orientation offers
 2.2 Support during the introductory phase of studies
2.3 Academic advising
 2.4 Duration of studies
2.5 Examination organization and examination equality
2.6 Student workload
 2.7 Recognition of achievements
3 Course-related cooperation
3.1 Cooperation with academic institutions
3.2 Cooperation with non-academic institutions
4 Resources
 4.1 Teaching staff
  4.1.1 Number, status and professional qualifications
  4.1.2 University didactic qualification
  4.1.3 Involvement of guest academics
  4.1.4 Involvement of representatives from practice
 4.2 Coordination
 4.3 Teaching infrastructure
  4.3.1 Rooms, equipment and IT
  4.3.2 Literature, collections and databases
5 Transparency and documentation
5.1 Regulatory transparency
5.2 Access to current information
 5.3 Final documents
6 Diversity, gender equality and equal opportunities
 6.1 Ensuring equal opportunities
 6.2 Equalisation of disadvantages
7 quality assurance (profile objective)
8 Special study programmes
 8.1 Teaching degree-related study programmes
 8.2 Combination degree programmes
 8.3 Continuing education programmes
 8.4 Intensive study programmes
 8.5 Distance learning programmes

We look forward to your participation!
Thanks you for your support and participation.