Arbeitsgruppe Wibral
- Elke Bülk, team assistant - David Ehrlich, section logic and maths, PhD student
e-mail - Juan Pablo Fiorenza, section data, PhD student (PTCN), SFB 1528
e-mail - Arne Gottwald, section data, PhD student, RTG 2906
e-mail - Aaron Gutknecht, section logic and maths, postdoc
e-mail - Abdullah Makkeh, section logic and maths, postdoc
e-mail - Marcel Raabe, section data, PhD student (PTCN) SPP 2205
e-mail - Michael Wibral, PI, Head of Department
- Dr. Luisa LeDonne
- Dr. Michael Lindner
- Dr. Kyle Schick-Poland
- Marcel Graetz
- Michael Schaum

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Göttingen Campus Institut für Dynamik biologischer Netzwerke (CIDBN)
Department für datengetriebene Analyse biologischer Netzwerke
Kellnerweg 6
37077 Göttingen
Elke Bülk
Tel.: +49 551/39-26664