The integration of trees and shrubs into agricultural landscapes can enhance the sustainability of land use, as trees and shrubs improve water retention, increase biodiversity, reduce the risk of erosion, and lead to increased carbon sequestration and climate resilience. One important but often overlooked aspect of agroforestry systems is the utilization of foliage as feed for livestock.
“FuLaWi” is a joint research project between the Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Lignovis GmbH, Triebwerk UG and the University of Göttingen (ruminant nutrition unit). The project is designed to assess the potential of tree foliage from agroforestry as alternative feed resource for small ruminants (sheep and goats). The part of the project carried out at the University of Göttingen, is focusing on the feed quality and conservation of foliage from primarily willow and poplar, as they are the most common tree species in agroforestry systems in Germany. A series of lab-scale ensiling experiment will be carried out, examining different methods of ensiling, as well as the impact of increased proportion of shoots in the foliage, which can be expected as result of mechanical harvest. In addition, a preference study with goats will be conducted, to compare the palatability of foliage from different trees to those of more common forages. The three other project partners are investigating how tree foliage affects enteric methane emissions of goats and sheep and their nutrient supply (Research Institute for Livestock Biology), the impact of grazing sheep and goats in agroforestry systems on animal welfare (Triebwerk UG) and how agroforestry systems that allow grazing or mechanical harvest can be established and managed efficiently and sustainably (Lignovis GmbH).
Project partner:
Running time
01.06.2023 - 31.05.2026
Funding reference number: