InseG 2

This project evaluates the entire chicken fattening value chain using insects as a feed ingredient regarding the ecological and economic sustainability. The interdisciplinary research project is supported by 6 partners. In the sub-project at the University of Göttingen, impacts of the feed substrate of the insects on the feeding value of insect protein is evaluated and application limits are determined. The other sub-projects deal with various questions about the influences of the feed substrate on the development of insects, the product quality of the obtained animal foods and conduct economic and ecological assessments along the entire value chain.

The project specifically investigates consequences of using insects as animal feed that are produced using feed substrates that are not in competition with humans and livestock. This is a basic requirement for the use of insects to increase global food availability. The impact of feeding dried insect larvae is also investigated. Feeding dried insects without further processing has the potential to produce and feed insects directly on farms using residual materials available there. This would reduce transport and promote regional nutrient cycles.

Project partners:
Design ohne Titel
Running time:
2024 - 2027

Funding reference number:

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