Press release: International student survey: Göttingen has the best university in Germany

Nr. 52/2012 - 05.04.2012

(pug) The “International Student Barometer 2011”, an international student survey service, has given Göttingen University the top place among German Universities. In the global rankings, the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen placed 5th. The renowned International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate) applied its benchmarking tools to survey the insights, needs and decision-making criteria of more than 200,000 international students relating to their country and city of study. 49% of those students surveyed stated that they would actively recommend Göttingen University to others. Another 39% said they would do so if asked. The students rated 238 universities worldwide, 57 of which were in Germany. In previous surveys conducted in 2009 and 2010, the University of Göttingen had also received very high marks.

In the “Learning” category, Göttingen University was given outstanding ratings. The students surveyed expressed particular appreciation for the University’s research performance and standard of equipment of the laboratories in Göttingen (each area ranking 1st in Germany), as well as for the content and quality of lectures and courses, the expertise of teachers and the collection at the Göttingen State and University Library, including its online resources. The advice and support offered to international students also scored very high. The city of Göttingen was judged to be an especially safe and student-friendly study destination and a “good place to be”.

“These highly excellent findings provide sustainable reinforcement for our internationalisation strategy.” On this, Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Vice President of Research and International Affairs, and Professor Wolfgang Lücke, Vice President for Studies and Teaching, agree. “The survey shows that the target measures of the past years have had a direct impact on student satisfaction. We are delighted that our Internationalisation Project 2012 has been so rewardingly fruitful, not only at the faculties, but also on a centralized level.” In future, Göttingen University intends to expand its curriculum of lectures and courses held in English, while confronting aspects like the living situation of international students and the public transit infrastructure in Göttingen. The University’s management is evaluating these aspects and working closely with the faculties on further developments.

Contact address:
Prof. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Vice President of Research and International Affairs
Wilhelmsplatz 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
Phone (0551) 39-4320, Fax (0551) 39-4520