Press release: One million euros for international cooperation projects

Nr. 24/2013 - 13.02.2013

DAAD is funding the prestigious network of the Universities Göttingen, Gent, Groningen and Uppsala

(pug) The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is supporting the U4 Network, a strategic partnership between Göttingen University and the leading European universities of Gent, Groningen and Uppsala. For its academic collaboration in this network, Georgia Augusta will be receiving grant money from the DAAD totalling close to € 935,000. With this support, the partner universities aim to promote the international academic research of their doctoral candidates, further develop joint research projects and identify new areas of cooperation in research and education. The funding flows from DAAD’s “Strategic Networks and Partnerships” programme. Out of a total of 117 grant applications submitted, only 21 were granted.

“The U4 Network joins Göttingen University with three outstanding, fully fledged universities in Europe. Based on our excellent and long-term contacts, with the support of the DAAD we will be able to target funding for our young researchers and thereby better pave their future career paths,” explains Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Vice President for International Affairs at Göttingen University. In concrete terms, the cooperation partners will use these funds to enable more studies abroad at the partner universities for their doctoral candidates in all subjects.

A total of 17 mutual summer schools and specialist conferences are planned along with workshops on joint research projects and potential new areas of collaboration. Moreover, the partner universities want to increase the number of their joint international degree programmes and provide continuing education in intercultural competencies to their administrative staff.

The U4 Network – founded in 2008 – is an integral part of Göttingen University's internationalisation strategy. The partnership covers virtually all levels of education, research and administration at the participating universities. A current total of six joint degree programmes and dynamic student exchange programmes as well as numerous joint research projects have been established since the network was founded. In the four areas of biomedicine & pharmacy, science & technology, social sciences & law as well as the humanities, researchers and scholars at the partner universities are working together on topics such as the aging brain, biodiversity, particle physics, religious studies and global governance and regulation. Furthermore, the partner universities are presently drafting a joint concept for the utilization of the valuable academic collections available on all four campuses. Further information can be found on the web at

Dr. Uwe Muuss
Georg-August University Göttingen
The International Office
Von-Siebold-Straße 2, 37075 Göttingen
Phone +49 (551) 39-21343