Press release: Göttingen University once again second-best German university in world rankings

Nr. 225/2014 - 06.10.2014

Times Higher Education places Georgia Augusta 67th among the Top 200

(pug) In its World Rankings 2014/2015, renowned British magazine Times Higher Education (THE) places the University of Göttingen 67th among the Top 200, making it once again the second-best German institution on the list. Compared to the previous year, when it came in 63rd, Göttingen University showed improvement in the categories citations, teaching and international outlook. The ranking is based on a methodology that especially reflects the core missions of a university of teaching, research and knowledge transfer.

The overall score for each university is based on weightings of data gathered on 13 separate performance indicators. These are brought together into five headline categories: teaching, research, citations, industry income/innovation and international outlook. In its own words, THE is the only ranking worldwide that considers the subject mix of teaching and learning environment. The data posting is powered by media conglomerate Thomson Reuters. The list and detailed results can be accessed online at