Press release: Top-level research in Lower Saxony

Nr. 196/2015 - 01.09.2015

Göttingen University's grant applications successful – State funds location strategy and Collaborative Research Units

(pug) With its five grant applications, Göttingen University was successfully awarded funding in the contest for "Top-level Research in Lower Saxony". "We are delighted that the State of Lower Saxony is supporting its universities in their preparations for the planned follow-up phase of the Excellence Initiative and happy that we were awarded the grants,” University President Professor Ulrike Beisiegel states.

"The funding of our location strategy and our four Collaborative Research Units is a resounding success for the entire Göttingen Campus," adds Professor Beisiegel on behalf of all Campus partners. "We have built up the Göttingen Campus through long-term jointly shaped partnerships and with conscious intent. Among other things, our partnership is based on mutual interests, spatial proximity and trust."

The grant money from the mutual call for tender by the Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony and the Volkswagen Foundation is supplied through the "Niedersächsisches Vorab" initiative. The titles of the Collaborative Research Units funded in Göttingen are "The Making and the Unmaking of the Religious", "Primate Cognition – From Information Integration to Decision Making", "Functional Principles of Living Matter: Life at the Nanoscale" and "Physics to Medicine". The location strategy for the "Göttingen Campus" describes the joint activities, networks and projects of the affiliated institutions and the envisaged development in the four fields of action: research infrastructure, information infrastructure, research-oriented teaching and fostering junior researchers/academic personnel development. The Göttingen Campus will continue to further expand its cooperation projects with other universities in Lower Saxony. Further information on the Göttingen Campus can be found online at