Press release: New record: Göttingen University welcomes its 4000th international student

Nr. 57/2017 - 29.03.2017

Continually expanding curricula offered in English – excellent graduation rates in nationwide rankings

(pug) A new record set at Göttingen University: winter semester 2016/2017 marks the first time that the University enrolled more than 4000 international students. That means that out of around 31,500, nearly one in eight students at Göttingen University is of international origin: with its 13 percent quota, the University ranks fourth among the major universities nationwide. The 4000th student, a doctoral student from the Czech Republic, was given a personal welcome by the Vice President for International Affairs, Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne. "This number highlights the high attractiveness of our research-based institution and of the city of Göttingen,“ she emphasised. "It also proves that our International Office has done a fantastic job with the outstandingly good programmes it offers to support and integrate international students.“

The services offered at Göttingen University include the Accommodation Service and Buddy Programmes as well as the InDiGU Programme where German students mentor and support their international counterparts. "This way we can ensure that integration is both optimal and personal,“ says the Director of the International Office, Dr. Uwe Muuss. “Here, indeed, the faculties deserve special mention for their acquisition and integration of international students thanks to the continual expansion of their internationally aligned degree programmes and myriad doctoral degree options.“

The international students in Göttingen come from a total of 140 different countries, including many who have maintained intensive cooperation projects with the University for a long time. The largest group is represented by students from China (691), followed by Turkey (203), India (193) and Iran (185). In total, 841 of all international students hail from Europe, most of them from Italy (156), followed by Spain (118), France (91) and Poland (85).

International programmes, some with the option for earning a double degree, can be found across all 13 faculties. Within 183 degree programmes, a current number of 54 degree programmes taught in English or with an international profile allow combinations of numerous subjects; 14 PhD programmes taught in English and 12 English-language Research Training Groups provide excellent opportunities for doctoral theses. The graduation rates are very high, not least due to the intensive mentoring, support and quality assurance by the faculties, PhD programmes and graduate schools. Based on the 2016 profile data on the internationality of German universities, the University of Göttingen holds second place in the area of international doctoral degrees and ranks in the top ten for master degrees among the major institutions of higher education nationwide.

A broad array of language and special writing courses and counselling programmes completes the subject-related curriculum offered. “Here, our international students find an all-round attractive infrastructure,“ notes Casper-Hehne. “Not only do these students enrich a cosmopolitan university where the international exchange is an inherent part of the prospectus, but they are an important economic factor as well. Assuming that every international student spends around € 800 a month for rent and the cost of living, that brings in around € 38 million for the region annually.“

For further information about Göttingen University's international activities and partnerships, please visit

Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Vice President for International Affairs
Wilhelmsplatz 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
Phone +49 (0)551 39-13110