Career Workshops

The GAUSS Career Service offers a workshop program for postdocs, which is intended to support you in developing your career and planning your next career steps inside and outside of academia. We are continuously reviewing relevant topics and qualification requirements to tailor our program to your specific needs.

Our workshops are classified in three different categories, all aiming to facilitate successful career planning but also reflecting on important aspects of personal and professional development.

  • Knowing and Marketing Yourself” is key to help you choose the best career path for yourself.
  • Knowing the Job Market” helps you to know what options are available.
  • Improving your Personal and Professional Skills” supports you in being prepared for the challenges of the job market inside and outside of academia (e.g. leadership and management skills).

Upcoming and most recent workshops are listed below and our workshop program 2024 is available here including testimonials from previous participants.
Participation is usually free of charge. To sign up for a workshop you only need to register and contact us via email.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are unsure whether a workshop fits your individual needs, if you would like to suggest a new topic or if a workshop you are interested in is not on our current schedule.

Our workshops are usually held by external trainers who are carefully chosen in a goal-oriented selection process: They have relevant expertise as well as experience with the specific audience at different career levels. We specifically hire trainers who are open for adaption of their concepts to your specific individual needs and we are carefully reviewing their approaches and concepts as well as considering recommendations of colleagues who have worked with them before. Furthermore, the quality of our workshops is carefully monitored. We evaluate and also participate in new workshops to get a first-hand impression of the trainer and the workshop concept. Your feedback as participant is very important to us, therefore each workshop is evaluated and the potential for improvement is discussed. We try our best to avoid that you waste your time in our events. However, should you not be satisfied, please do not hesitate to get back to us.

Career Workshops – GAUSS Career Blog