ENLIGHT Global Engagement Module GEM
“I always find it enriching to be in an exchange with people from other backgrounds. GEM gave me the opportunity to not only learn about the topic itself but other disciplines and cultures” – this was noted by one student from this year´s participation in the GEM.In March 2022 the pilot of the ENLIGHT Global Engagement Module started its 9-week journey. The University of Goettingen partnered up with Ghent University and University of Groningen to create awareness and help students acquire intercultural competencies by working in intercultural and interdisciplinary teams on one of three real-world challenges. The Intercultural Learning Lab ICL, in cooperation with topic expert Dr. Elfriede Hermann and Leon-Fabian Caspari from the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, welcomed students to the Goettingen challenge surrounding Climate Change Adaptation. Alexandra Schreiber, Alexandra Vogel and Leon-Fabian Caspari supported the students as coaches of the three interdisciplinary teams with weekly coaching sessions in which the students chose and worked on their challenges.
The highlight of the module was the onsite week in April 2022 for which the students traveled from all over Europe to Göttingen to cooperate, engage, and reflect. Subject matter expert Dr. Elfriede Hermann provided the topic related input and exchange of ideas for the students.
We’re currently preparing the next round of the Global Engagement Module and are happy to receive applications for 2023. If you’re interested in joining us, please apply via enlight@uni-goettingen.de by sending us your CV and a short motivation letter (~500 words) before November 20th, 2022.
Bildunterschrift: The GEM students in Goettingen during the onsite week with the coaches.