Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Autumn 2010
The Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Göttingen bid farewell to Autumn graduates on Friday 29, Ocotober 2010: 258 students received their degrees and thirteen doctorates received their doctoral diplomas. The University's Vice President Prof. Dr. Joachim Münch and the Faculty's Dean of Studies, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rübel, welcomed the participants to the festive event. Prof. Dr. Olaf Rank, the Chairman of the Board of Examiners of the Economic Sciences then spoke as well as student representative Christel Schoger. Five graduates were awarded prizes for excellent academic performance.
60 students graduated from the “diploma” programme that is being phased out. 157 students received degrees in the Bachelor's programmes and 43 students successfully completed a Master's programme.
Foto: FotoStube Hornig (all photos you can download from the online-platform flickr)
Awards for outstanding graduates from the Faculty of Economic Sciences in the amount of 1,000 Euros each were also given. For the second time, the internationally active laboratory and process technology provider Sartorius donated the prize for graduates that is named after the founder of the company. The "Florenz Sartorius-Preis" is awarded to the best graduates in the discipline of Business Administration, Economics, Business Information Systems, and Business and Human Resource Education as well as two distinguished doctoral theses.
The recipients of the graduate prizes in Autumn 2010 are Marc Kremer (Bachelor of Science in Management), Carina Goldbach (Bachelor of Arts in Economics), Sara Heuschneider (Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems) and Michael Mahl (Master of Science in Business and Human Resource Education).
The Festo Award for “Innovation in Information Processing”, which honours excellent theses in the discipline of Business Information Studies, was awarded for the fourth time. The prize distinguished the Diploma thesis written by Marc Reichhardt. The winner received 1.500 Euros. The award for students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences is offered by the Festo company.

Foto: FotoStube Hornig
(v.l.n.r.) Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann, Michael Mahl, Marc Reichhardt, Sara Heuschneider, Marc Kremer, Christel Schoger, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rübel