Jenny Schellenberg
Dr. rer. nat., Diplom-Biologist
- Vegetation ecology: Forests (3-week block course, B.Biodiv.339, each summer semester)
- Vegetation ecology: City and waters (3-week block course B.Biodiv.390, each summer semester)
- Applied vegetation ecology and multivariate statistics (3-week block course, M.Biodiv.431, each summer semester)
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in biodiversity research (3-week block course, B.Biodiv.375, each winter semester)
- Modern issues of vegetation science in cultural landscapes (seminar, M.Biodiv. 403 and M.Biodiv. 406)
Counseling of students during their Bachelor's and Master's thesis, contact me for information to recent topics or present your ideas.
Vegetation analysis statistics in R: advice & consulting for students
Recent projects
- Lowland heathland ecology; vitality and vegetation dynamics in North-German lowland heathlands; effects of high airborne nitrogen loads, drought and managements
- R-Coding; Development/Edit of functions for vegetation ecology research (goeveg package)
Other projects and interests
Mapping of biotopes and Natura2000-habitats
Vegetation monitoring; Nature conservation planning
Schellenberg J (2022) Vitality of heather (Calluna vulgaris) along gradients of climate, structure and diversity in dry lowland habitats of Northern Germany. Dissertation Universität Göttingen. 146 S. + ESM.
Schellenberg J, Bergmeier, E (2021) The Calluna life cycle concept revisited: implications for heathland management. Biodiv Cons. 31: 119-141.
Öder V, Petritan AM, Schellenberg J, Bergmeier E, Walentowski H (2021) Patterns and drivers of deadwood quantity and variation in mid-latitude deciduous forests. For Ecol Man 487.
Fried O, Westphal C, Schellenberg J, Grescho V, Kühn I, Van Sinh N, Settele J, Bergmeier E (2021) Vascular plant species diversity in Southeast Asian rice ecosystems is determined by climate and soil conditions as well as the proximity of non-paddy habitats. Agric Ecosys Environ 314:
Schellenberg J, Bergmeier E (2020) Heathland plant species composition and vegetation structures reflect soil-related paths of development and site history. Appl Veg Sci 23: 386–405.
Schellenberg J (2019) North-German lowland heathland plant communities and their potential nature conservation value. Talk. European Heathland Workshop 2019. 23.08.2019. Dorset, UK.
Pätsch R, Bruchmann I, Schellenberg J, Meisert A, Bergmeier E (2019) Elytrigia repens co-occurs with glycophytes rather than characteristic halophytes in low-growing salt meadows on the sou-thern Baltic Sea coast. Biologia 74: 385–394.
Schellenberg, J (2017) Rethinking relations between age, growth phases and vitality. 15th European Heathlands Network Workshop: Lowland heaths under pressure: challenges in ecological restoration August 20-25/26 2017. Talk, 21.08.2017.
Goral, F & Schellenberg, J (2016): goeveg: Functions for Community Data and Ordinations. R package version 0.2.0.
Schellenberg, J & Bergmeier, E (2014): Atlantische und kontinentale Heiden in Norddeutschland - Unterschiede und Konsequenzen für den Erhalt. – Natur und Landschaft 3: 110-117.
Schellenberg, J (2009): Vegetationsdynamik beweideter Silbergrasfluren und Calluna-Heiden auf einem ehemaligen militärischen Übungsgelände in Nordostbrandenburg. Diplomarbeit Universität Göttingen, 145 S. + Anhang + DVD.
Supervised Bachelor's and Master's theses
Balogh, J. (2016): Moosdiversität und Verbreitungsmuster in Heidelebensräumen des norddeutschen Tieflandes. B, 47 S. + Anhang + CD.
Buchholz, S. (2010): Vitalität der Besenheide (Calluna vulgaris) in der Nemitzer Heide (Niedersachsen). D, 56 S. + Anhang.
Kiepert, M. (2014): Calluna vulgaris als Schlüsselart am Beispiel der Insektenfamilie der Orthoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera und Coleoptera. – B, 78 S.
Krutemeier, S. (2015): Long-term effects of grazing with Heck cattle and Konik horses on distribution patterns of Calluna vulgaris ((L.) Hull) in atlantic European Dry Heath – a spatial analysis based on remote sensing. M.
Larkin, R. (2013): Structural Diversity of heath in the Oranienbaumer Heide. B, 67 S.
Otten, M. (2013): Zwergstrauchheiden des Norddeutschen Tieflands als Lebensraum für ausgewählte Arten des Anhangs I der EU-Vogelschutzrichtlinie. B, 101 S. + Anhang.
Pokrant, F. (2012): Auswirkungen gängiger Heidepflegemethoden auf Reptilienpopulationen B, 43 S.
Prüser, J. (2013): Die Bedeutung der norddeutschen Heidelebensräume für ausgewählte Brutvogelarten der Roten Liste Deutschlands. B, 53 S. + Anhang.
Schlaugat, H. (2014): Vitality of Heather (Calluna vulgaris) in Göhrde, Lower Saxony. M, 102 S.