
Information on modules
The university information portal StudIP is used for the modules offered by the “Animal Nutrition Physiology and Resource Efficiency” division. In addition to the posting of information materials for our modules, the assignment to group work will also take place in StudIP.

Information on theses Would you like to write your thesis in our department? Then please contact Mr Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Siegert

Possible thesis topics

  • The best method for whole-body analyses.

  • Interested in Iceland? A nutrition experiment in aquaculture.

  • Some experience in machine learning? Development of a relevant estimation of amino acid digestibility.

  • Is the behaviour of broiler chickens influenced by the provision of whole black soldier fly larvae?

  • Nutrient intake of broiler chickens when black soldier fly larvae are offered.

  • BSc: The utilisation of white lupin in the dietary regimen of piglets

  • BSc: Evaluation and optimization of the calculation method for determining the protein utilization efficiency in broiler chickens: a meta analysis

  • BSc: Effects of feeding and genetics on amino acid profiles in fast- and slow-growing turkeys

  • BSc: The influence of amino acid-optimised plant genotypes on essential amino acids and nitrogen content of feed ingredients

  • BSc: Feeding influences on the mineral composition of turkeys

  • MSc: Impact on the carbon footprint of broiler fattening of a N-reduced diet

  • MSc: Analysis of environmental effects associated with different protein and energy sources in feed for laying hens and evaluation of hybrid rye in future feed mixtures in Northwest Germany

Bachelor modules

Offered: Each winter semester
Contents: The module teaches the principles and fundamental aspects of animal nutrition, animal hygiene and product quality. Basics in animal nutrition include the importance of feed ingredients, digestive processes and feed evaluation as well as feeding livestock. Basics in animal and food hygiene include relevant diseases, use of medicines, disease control and food hygiene. There is also an introduction to the quality assessment of animal products.
Offered: Each summer semester
Recommended precognitions: Contents of the module "Farm animal sciences I"
Note: A laboratory internship is part of the module and a prerequisite for the exam. The laboratory internship usually takes place in February or March of each year after prior notice.
Contents: The module addresses the nutrition of all relevant farm animal species, including fish and horses. Contents include the background and consequences of feeding strategies, handling nutrient and energy supply recommendations, and analysis of key ingredients.
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hummel
Offered: Each winter semester
Recommended precognitions: Contents of the module "Farm animal sciences I"
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hummel
Offered: Each winter semester
Contents: The module teaches sustainability aspects of the production of plant and animal foods, from processes in the soil to animal nutrition and animal husbandry. With regard to farm animals, contents include the role of livestock farming in global food security, possibilities for reducing environmentally relevant emissions, physiological adaptations to the changing climate, and species-appropriate husbandry.
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Stephan Siebert
Offered: Each summer semester
Contents: The module teaches basic processes in agriculture with regard to crop production and farm animal husbandry, including economical aspects and policy. With regard to farm animals, the importance of circular practices and food security is addressed and basics of animal husbandry, animal nutrition, and animal breeding are taught.
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Andreas von Tiedemann

Master modules

Offered: Each winter semester
Recommended precognitions: Contents of the module “Nutrition physiology”
Contents: The module deals in depth with the intersections of animal nutrition between performance level, animal health, resource conservation, global food security, and environmental impacts. The focus is on non-ruminant farm animals such as pigs, poultry, and fish; dogs and cats are also discussed comparatively.
Offered: Each winter semester
Recommended from the 1st master semester
Contents: The module is designed for the start of the master studies. When compared to the bachelor modules, this module provides more in-depth knowledge on nutrition of farm animals and highlights the importance of physiological processes related to nutrition, consequences on environmental impacts, and characteristics of animal products.
Offered: Each winter semester
Recommended precognitions: Contents of the module “Nutrition physiology” and “Specialized nutrition of non-ruminants”, whereby “Specialized nutrition of non-ruminants” is also suitable for parallel participation
Contents: The module teaches how animal nutrition studies are conducted on all relevant farm animal species. This includes animal welfare aspects, procedures of investigations on animals, analytics, and the path from measurements to research findings.
Offered: Each summer semester
Contents: The module teaches the quality-determining characteristics of feed ingredients and compound feed as well as influences on these properties from crop cultivation practices to storage. The feed market, the assurance of quality through quality management in compound feed production, and official monitoring are taught.
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hummel

PhD modules

Offered: Each summer semester (blocked, usually about one week in June/July)
Contents: The module is offered to PhD students and is recognised by the GFA (Graduate School Forest and Agricultural Sciences). The module provides backgrounds of different types of scientific communications, including articles in journals and conference contributions as presentations and posters. This involves practical exercises. The module provides interactive discussions on writing scientific articles, the submission process, the discourse after manuscript submission, structuring and rhetorical aspects of presentations, dealing with scientific literature, and the good scientific practice. Contents are taught by are variety of lecturers from the field of farm animal sciences.

Participation in other modules