Maria Wild - PhD Student
Research Interest
- Biodiversity and nature conservation in agricultural landscapes
- Pathways to an integrated promotion of ecosystem services and resource efficiency on grassland
- Impacts of grazing animals on the vegetation and plant species composition
- Mountain agriculture, alpine ecosystems
Research project
BioDivMilkplus: Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy from 2028 - Development of broad solutions for reduced concentrate dairy farming to protect grassland for different intensity levels of dairy farming with synergies with nature, environmental and climate protection
Short CV
Since April 2023: PhD student at the Georg-August-University of Goettingen/ Department of Crop Sciences/ Division of Grassland Science
Topic: Environmental services and biodiversity of grassland under reduced concentrate dairy farming
2020-2023: Student assistant at the Division of Grassland Science
2020-2023: M.Sc. Agricultural Sciences/ focus on Resource Management at the Georg-August-University of Goettingen
Thesis: ‘Movement and selection behavior of unherded sheep and consequences for the botanical composition on alpine summer pastures in Northern Italy’
2021: Semester abroad (ERASMUS) at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)
2018-2019: Student assistant at DEULA Baden-Württemberg GmbH
2015-2019: B.Sc. Equine Management at the Nuertingen-Geislingen University (HfWU)
Thesis: ‘Year-round multispecies grazing with Przewalski horses and Peacock goats for a permanent maintenance of ecologically valuable open habitats in the nature protection area ‘Tennenloher Forst’’
Wild, M., Komainda, M., Bettin, K., Jürgens, K., Isselstein, J., 2024. Feed the green for a sustainable and protein-efficient dairy production. Agricultural Systems 223, 104216.
Wild, M., Isselstein, J., Jürgens, K., Komainda, M., 2024. Saisonale Schwankungen der Methanemissionen von Milchkühen in grasbasierten kraftfutterarmen Produktionssystemen. Tagungsband der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Grünland und Futterbau, 124-127.
Wild, M., Gauly, M., Zanon, T., Isselstein, J., Komainda, M., 2023. Tracking free-ranging sheep to evaluate interrelations between selective grazing, movement patterns and the botanical composition of alpine summer pastures in northern Italy. Pastoralism 13:25.
Wild M., Gauly M., Zanon T., Isselstein J., Komainda M., 2023. Bewegungsmuster und selektives Fressverhalten von ungehüteten Schafen und mögliche Konsequenzen für die botanische Zusammensetzung und die Nachhaltigkeit der Weidenutzung auf Alpweiden in Nord-Italien. Mitt. Ges. Pflanzenbauwissenschaften 37-38.