Dr. Michelle Lang

Short Biography

  • Since 2024

    Senior Lecturer and Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Chair of Management and Control

  • 2024

    Research stay at the University of Groningen (RUG), Netherlands

  • 2023

    Research stay at Texas Christian University, USA

  • 2020 - 2023

    Research Associate at the Chair of Management and Control

  • 2020

    Student Assistant at the Chair of Management and Control

  • 2019

    Internship at Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Hannover in Corporate Strategy / Digital Transformation

  • 2018

    Study Abroad Semester at University of Dalarna, Sweden

  • 2017 - 2019

    Marketing Tutor at the Chair of Marketing and Retail Management, University of Göttingen

  • 2017 - 2020

    Master's Program in Corporate Management, University of Göttingen

  • 2017

    Internship at Druckerei Jungfer und Verlag GmbH, Herzberg in Controlling

  • 2014 - 2017

    Bachelor's Program in Business Administration, University of Göttingen, Focus on Corporate Management

Research and Interest Areas

  • Strategic Topic Setting

  • CEO Succession Planning during a Performance Crisis

Courses Taught

  • Corporate Strategy and Governance

Selected Publications and Refereed Conference Proceedings

  • 2024 - 13th EIASM WORKSHOP ON TOP MANAGEMENT TEAMS AND BUSINESS STRATEGY RESEARCH Passau Germany - "C-Suite Dynamics: CEO Characteristics and COO Returns" (Margerie J.; Lang M.; Gehrke Y.; Wolff M.)

  • 2023 - Academy of Management (AOM) Boston (USA) - "You Are the One: Nomination Committees and the Market Reaction to CEO Succession" (Hennig J.; Lang M.; Wolff M.)

  • 2021 - Annual Conference of the International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS) Groningen (Netherlands) - "Finding a Welcomed Leader: Nomination Committees and the Market Reaction to CEO Succession" (Kemmerich K.; Lang M.)

  • 2021 - Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS) "New CEOs Strategic Topic Setting – The Use of Impression Management in Capital Market Communication" (Hennig J.; Lang M.; Wolff M.)

Portrait photo of Dr. Michelle Lang


Dr. Michelle Lang

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3

Oeconomicum, Room 2.115

37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 39-27902

Office hours: by appointment

Please send me your question/concern via email in advance.