Sebastian Mauricio Molina Obando


College / University

Autonomous University of Barcelona

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science

Major Subjects

Biomedical Sciences




Lab Experience

Jan – June 2015: Systems Biology Program at Genomic Regulation Center. Mara Dierssen Neurobiology Research Group. Study of the neurotrophic properties of EGCG on mammalian neuronal cultures, work in a laminar flow cabinet, PCR, Electrophoresis, Contrast Phase Microscope, Boolean Networks.

Projects / Research

  • Professional Practica: Study of neurotrophic properties of EGCG on mammalian neuronal cultures.
  • Bachelor thesis: Cell and Gene Therapy in Alzheimer's Disease.

Scholarships / Awards

2015 – 2016: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School
2011 – 2015: General and Mobility Scholarship by the Spanish Government


My main interest is focused in understanding how the memory and learning processes work and develop. These two aspects of brain functionality are key points to address solutions for neurological disorders that involve one or both processes. Moreover, with the improved knowledge of the commented processes, it would be possible to improve the educational system with new and revolutionary tools and methodologies that maximize the human cognitive capacity taking into account each individual feature. Last but not least, it also would give rise to developing computational technology mimicking how the different brain circuits function.