01/2025: Press release - International research team led by Prof. Dr. Stefan Mathias (B01) develops new method for ultrafast imaging of dark excitons. Follow this link to read the full article.
12/2024: Prof. Dr. Fabian Sinz receives ERC Consolidator Grant. For full details see press release: Using AI to understand brain function. The computer scientist and neuroscientist Fabian Sinz is principal investigator in project A06. Congratulations from CRC 1456!
09/2024: Our 5th CRC 1456 Retreat in Hofgeismar
The annual meeting of CRC 1456 took place from 17 to 19 September. The program included three days of talks on the latest results of the subprojects, discussions and poster presentations. Ideas and experiences were exchanged between presentations. Canoeing together further promoted to get to know each other, to communicate and to collaborate.
It was a successful meeting for the more than 50 participants. We thank all of them for their participation, their commitment and their excellent contributions.
03/2024: Press release: Spectroscopy and theory shed light on excitons in semiconductors. For more details go to: "University of Göttingen - New press releases“. The CRC 1456 congratulates the scientists of the project B01!
03/2024: CRC 1456 Spring School 2024 on Novel Imaging Techniques with Waves
Two associated members of CRC (Dr. Martin Halla and Dr. Tram Nguyen) organized
News 2023
11/2023: Our 4th CRC 1456 Retreat in HofgeismarThe CRC organised a 3-day retreat (November 13-15) at the Evangelische Tagungsstätte Hofgeismar

09/2023: 11th Applied Inverse Problems Conference
From September 4-8, the CRC 1456 hosted together with the GRK 2088 and the IPIA the 11th conference of the series "Applied Inverse Problems" with more than 550 participants.

09/2023: Wiebke Bennecke (member of project B01) received the ECOSS PRIZE (sponsored by SPECSGROUP) for the best oral presentation at the "36th European Conference on Surface Science“. Talk of the title: Photoemission orbital tomography of excitons in organic semiconductors. The CRC 1456 congratulates her.
08/2023: We are very pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Georg Stadler as a Mercator Fellow at the CRC 1456. He is associated to the research project C04 Correlations of solar oscillations: modeling and iversions. The CRC 1456 congratulates Georg Stadler and looks forward to intensified collaborations with him.
05/2023: We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Yvo Pokern as a Mercator Fellow at the CRC 1456. Dr. Yvo Pokern is associated to the CRC 1456 research project A01 Geometry and Bayesian statistics to reconstruct protein radical structures from ENDOR spectroscopy. The CRC 1456 congratulates Yvo Pokern and looks forward to intensified collaborations with him.
03/2023: Our 3rd CRC 1456 Retreat in Drübeck

Our SFB 1456 members could meet again for three days in Kloster Drübeck (February 28 - March 02, 2023) to present the state of the relevant scientific disciplines through the different projects. For the more than fifty participants it was a perfect opportunity to discuss and to intensify already established work within the projects.
01/2023: Press release: Colour images from the shadow of a sample. For more details go to: "University of Göttingen - New press releases“. The CRC 1456 congratulates the scientists of the project C03!
News 2022
12/2022: Award for maths researchDr Gilles Mordant (member of project A04) awarded annual prize by Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium.
He has been conducting research for one year in the Göttingen Collaborative Research Center SFB 1456 "Mathematics of Experiment" in the group of Prof. Dr. Axel Munk at the Faculty of Mathematics on statistical data analysis methods using the theory of optimal transport. "Building on my work in Belgium, I am developing new methods in Göttingen that help us understand the spatially complicated arrangement of elementary building blocks of the cell and their interaction. Göttingen offers a unique environment for me to work on the whole spectrum of the problem," Mordant said. For more details go to: "University of Göttingen - New press releases“. The CRC 1456 congratulates him!
10/2022: Anna Blob (member of project A04) received a poster price at this year's GGNB Science Day. The CRC 1456 congratulates her!
09/2022: New Project A06 (Sinz/Gail)
The CRC 1456 welcomes Fabian Sinz and Alexander Gail as new principal investigators. They will start the project A06 "Predictive models and frame of reference in macaque sensorimotor cortex under natural conditions" in January 2023. The aim of this project is to develop graph based models for neural activity of freely behaving monkeys to better understand how the brain represent objects in space under natural conditions. The CRC 1456 congratulates both.
09/2022: Symposium on Inverse Problems: From experimental data to models and back

09/2022: Our 2nd CRC 1456 Retreat in Goslar

7-11/09/2022 “Festival for Art, Technology and Society” in Linz. The projects will exhibited in the form of a 5-day permanent exhibition at this year's ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL in Linz. The organizers already listed the projects and contributors on their homepage, and especially project C06.
08/2022: Press release: Building blocks of the future for photovoltaics - Project B01 (Luke/Mathias)
For more details go to: "Press release: Building blocks of the future for photovoltaics“
08/2022: Press release: New quantum technology combines free electrons and photons - Project C01 (Hohage/Ropers). For more details go to: " New quantum technology combines free electrons and photons“
05/2022: Topic of project A03 (Salditt/Schmitzer)
The "video clip“ explains the rough idea of 3d virtual histology on phase contrast x-ray tomography images via the framework of linearized optimal transport. It was created by Clément Sarrazin and Bernhard Schmitzer, using material from the Salditt group in Göttingen's physics department and the manim animation software. Related publications are (PNAS21) and (UnbalancedLOT).
05/2022: Jun.-Prof. Anne Wald a new principal investigator
The SFB 755 welcomes Anne Wald as a new principal investigator. She starts the project B06 "Compensating motion and model inexactness in nano-CT and local tomography" in May 2022. The aim of this project together with Tim Salditt is an estimation of the model inexactness as well as the identification of motion directly from the data. Analytical, statistical and data-driven methods are combined to obtain efficient and stable reconstruction techniques. The CRC 1456 congratulates both.
04/2022: Prof. Claus Ropers receives ERC Advanced Grant
Claus Ropers from the department Ultrafast Dynamics at the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Science has received an European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant. He is also professor at the Georg-August Universität and principial investigator in project C01 (Hohage/Ropers). For more details about the ERC Advanced Grant please go to: "ERC Advanced Grants for Hannelore Ehrenreich and Claus Ropers" (MPInat). The CRC 1456 congratulates him.
03/2022: Opening Symposium of the CRC 1456 "Mathematics of Experiment"

The next event is our conference on “Inverse Problems: From experimental data to models and back” in Potsdam from September 19-21, 2022. Please find further information under Inverse Problems: From experimental data to models and back
03/2022: Dr. Matthijs Jansen - Extension for his Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers Dr. Matthijs Jansen, PostDoc at the I. Physical Institute and research group leader was granted an extension for his "Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers“. The extension will be for the period 01.04.-30.09.2022. Congratulations!
03/2022: Dr. Janosch Preuß - Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Prize for his excellent dissertation Janosch Preuß, PostDoc at the Institute of Numerical and Applied Mathematics, was awarded the Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Prize 2020 by GAMM. For more details go to: "GAMM (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik/Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics)“. The CRC 1456 congratulates him.
01/2022: Prof. Martin Uecker - Assoicate Editor for the SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences Martin Uecker, Professor at the Graz University of Technology and principial investigator in project B03 (Plonka-Hoch/Uecker) joined the editorial board of the SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences. For more details go to: "SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences - Editorial Board“. The CRC 1456 congratulates him.
01/2022: Prof. Alexander Ecker receives ERC Starting Grant The computational neuroscientists Professor Alexander Ecker from the University of Göttingen and the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS) has received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) of 1,5 million euros. Prof. Alexander Ecker is also principial investigator in project B05 (Ecker, Gollisch). For more details about the ERC Starting Grant please go to: "Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience . The CRC 1456 congratulates him.
News 2021
11/2021: Extension for Prof. Thorsten Hohage’s Max Planck Research Fellow GroupThorsten Hohage, Professor at the Institute for Numerical and Applied Mathematics, Spokesperson of the CRC 1456 and Max Planck Fellow, was granted an extension for his Research Fellow Group “Inverse Problems” at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research for the period 01.04.2022 – 31.03.2027. Congratulations! For more details about the Max Planck Fellow Group “Inverse Problems” please go to: Max Planck Fellow Group: Inverse Problems
11/2021: Matthijs Jansen has been offered a position as junior research group leader within CRC 1456. Congratulations!
Are you interested to set up a femtosecond spectroscopy and microscopy experiment with close ties to materials science and data science? Then send a mail to gsmjansen @!
11/2021: Wiebke Bennecke - PhD student in project B01 (Luke/Mathias) - was awarded with the Poster Prize at the workshop Photoemission Tomography: Applications and Future Developments
08/2021: Prof. Dr. Sarah Köster elected as vice-speaker of the condensed matter section
Sarah Köster, professor at the IRP and principial investigator in project A04 (Köster/Munk) was elected as vice-speaker of the condensed matter section (SKM) of the German Physical Sociatey (DPG). The CRC 1456 congratulates her.
06/2021: Annemarie Kehl received a fellowship vom “IMPRS for Physics of biological and Complex Systems“ (PBCS)
Annemarie Kehl, PhD student in project A01 (Bennati/Huckemann) received a fellowship from “IMPRS for Physics of biological and Complex Systems“ "IMPRS for Physics of biological and Complex Systems“. The CRC 1456 congratulates her.
04/2021: ERC Advanced Grant for Prof. Dr. Marina Bennati
Marina Bennati, research group leader at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Biophysical Chemistry and principal investigator in project A01 (Bennati/Huckemann) - was awarded the ERC Advanced Grant . The CRC 1456 congratulates Marina Bennati.