Section A: Cellular mechanisms of neuronal computation

A1 - Transducer adaptation and mechanical stimulus processing in microtubule-based sensory cells
Martin Göpfert (UBio), Christoph Schmidt (UPhys)

A2 - Mapping neuronal ion channel distributions with single channel resolution
Jörg Enderlein (UPhys), Andreas Neef (MPIDS)

A3 - Optophysiological studies of the firing rate dynamics of cortical neurons
Walter Stühmer (MPIEM), Fred Wolf (MPIDS)

A4 - Quantifying the spatio-temporal organization of action potential generation by scanning ion conductance microscopy
Christoph Schmidt (UPhys) Andreas Neef (MPIDS)

A5 - Cellular decomposition of auditory information in the mammalian cochlea
Alexander Meyer (UMed), Tobias Moser (UMed), Fred Wolf (MPIDS)

Section B: Cooperative dynamics in network-level computation

B1- Spatio-temporal coding and imprinting in the Drosophila olfactory system
André Fiala (UBio), Annette Witt (MPIDS), Marc Timme (MPIDS)

B2 - Organization of temporal coding in the Xenopus olfactory system
Detlev Schild (UMC), Fred Wolf (MPIDS)

B3 - Theory of Spike-driven Plasticity in Circuits with Nonlinear Coupling
Marc Timme (MPIDS)

B4 - Learning in self-organized critical circuits
Anna Levina (MPIDS), Theo Geisel (MPIDS/UPhys)

B5 - Predictive Properties of modulatory neurons in reinforcement learning in the fruit fly
André Fiala (UBio), Florentin Wörgötter (UPhys)

Section C: Cooperativity in cognitive adaptation

C1 - Neural circuits for flexible gain modulation and inter-areal coordination
Demian Battaglia (MPIDS), Alexander Gail (DPZ), Theo Geisel (MPIDS/UPhys)

C2 - Numerical methods for MRI-based fiber tractography of the brain
Jens Frahm (MPIBC) and Thorsten Hohage (UMath)

C3 - Stimulation and dual-area recordings to elucidate the sources for top-down modulation in attentional influences on visual processing
Stefan Treue (DPZ), David Liebetanz (UMC)

C5 - Processing of graded signalling systems
Julia Fischer (DPZ), Fred Wolf (MPIDS)

Section D: Motorsystems, neuroprosthetics, and adaptive behavioural control

D1 - Biomechanics and adaptive neural control of animal and robot locomotion
Poramate Manoonpong (UPhys), Florentin Wörgötter (UPhys), Ulrich Parlitz (MPIDS)

D2 - Adaptive visuomotor transformations in parietal Cortex for the control of neuroprosthetics
Alexander Gail (DPZ), Florentin Wörgötter (UPhys)

D3 - Dynamics and variability of planar human tracing movements
Armin Biess (MPIDS), Hansjörg Scherberger (DPZ)

D4 - Decoding of hand grasping movements from parietal and premotor cortex
Hansjörg Scherberger (DPZ), Alexander Gail (DPZ)

W2 Professorship - Neuroprosthetics and sensorimotor integration
Alexander Gail (DPZ)

JRG Junior Research Group - Biophysics of neural computation
Andreas Neef (MPIDS)

DPZ    German Primate Center;    ENI    European Neuroscience Institute;    MPIBPC Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry;
MPIDS    Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization;    MPIEM     Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine;   
UBio    Faculty of Biology and Psychology - University Göttingen;    UInf    Institute of Computer Science - University Göttingen;   
UMath    Institute of Mathematics - University Göttingen;    UMC    University Medical Center Göttingen;   UPhys     Faculty of Physics - University Göttingen