Publications in 2024

Cherif, M., Brose, U., Hirt, M. R., Ryser, R., Silve, V., Albert, G., Arnott, R., Berti, E., Cirtwill, A., Dyer, A., Gauzens, B., Gupta, A., Ho, H.-C., Portalier, S. M. J., Wain, D., Wootton, K. (2024) The environment to the rescue: can physicshelp predict predator-prey interactions?. Biological Reviews, 99 (6), 1927-1947.

Hagge, J., Müller, J., Bässler, C., Brandl, R., Schuldt, A., Thorn, S., Seibold, S. (2024) Change in saproxylic beetle, fungi and bacteria assemblages along horizontal and vertical gradients of sun-exposure in forest. Biological Conservation, 291, 1–10.

Leong, J. V, Mezzomo, P., Kozel, P., Volfová, T., Ferreira, P. d. L., Seifert, C. L., Butterill, P. T., Freiberga, I., Michálek, J., Matos-Maravi, P., Weinhold, A., Engström, M. T., Salminen, J.-P., Segar, S. T., Sedio, B. E. & Volf, M. (2024) Effects of individual traits vs . trait syndromes on assemblages of various herbivore guilds associated with central European Salix. Oecologia, 1-13.

Li, Y., Schuldt, A., Ebeling, A., Eisenhauer, N., Huang, Y., Albert, G., Albracht, C., Amyntas, A., Bonkowski, M., Bruelheide, H., Bröcher, M., Chesters, D., Chen, J., Chen, Y., Chen, J.-T., Ciobanu, M., Deng, X., Fornoff, F., Gleixner, G., Guo, L., Guo, P.-F., Heintz-Buschart, A., Klein, A.-M., Lange, M., Li, S., Li, Q., Li, Y., Luo, A., Meyer, S. T., von Oheimb, G., Rutten, G., Scholten, T., Solbach, M. D., Staab, M., Wang, M.-Q., Zhang, N., Zhu, C. D., Schmid, B., Ma, K., Liu, X. (2024) Plant diversity enhances ecosystem multifunctionality via multitrophic diversity. nature ecology & evolution, 8, 2037-2047.

Lu, J.-Z., L., Bluhm, C., Foltran, E., Rivera Pérez, C. A, Ammer, C., Caruso, T., Glatthorn, J., Lamersdorf, N., Polle, A., Sandmann, D., Schaefer, I., Schuldt, A., Maraun, M., Scheu, S. (2024) Functional traits in soil-living oribatid mites unveil trophic reorganization in belowground communities by introduced tree species. Geoderma, 448,

Matevski, D., Sagolla, V., Beule, L., Schuldt, A. (2024) Temperate alley-cropping agroforestry improves pest control potential by promoting spider abundance and functional diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Seifert, C.L. (2024) The effect of diet and temperature on life‐history traits and sexual size dimorphism in a capital-breeding moth. Physiological Entomology, 1–10.

Seifert, C.L. & Fiedler, K. (2024) Macroecological patterns in European butterflies unveil strong interrelations between larval diet breadth, latitudinal range size, and voltinism. Ecography, 2024(2):e07021, 1-12.

Seifert, C.L., Moos, M. & Volf, M. (2024) Different fates of metabolites and small variation in chemical composition characterise frass chemistry in a specialist caterpillar. Physiological Entomology, 49, 110–117.

Seifert, C.L., Strutzenberger, P. & Fiedler, K. (2024) Are day-flying moths more specialised in larval dietary breadth? - A test of the 'Salient Aroma Hypothesis' in a predominantly nocturnal clade. Evolution, 78, 1174-1182.

Singer, D., Hagge, J., Kamp, J., Hondong, H., Schuldt, A. (2024) Aggregated time-series features boost species-specific differentiation of true and false positives in passive acoustic monitoring of bird assemblages. Remote sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Topanotti, L R., Fuchs, J. M., Albert, M., Schick, J., Penanhoat, A., Lu, J.-Z., Rivera Pérez, C. A., Foltran, E. C., Appleby, S., Wildermuth, B., Stuckenberg, T., Likulunga, L. E., Glatthorn, J., Schuldt, A., Polle, A., Balkenhol, N., Scheu, S., Ammer, C., Paul, C., Guerrero- Ramírez, N. (2024) Enhancing economic multifunctionality without compromising multidiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality via forest enrichment. Science Advances, 10 (43).

Vázquez-González, C., Castagneyrol, B., Muiruri, E. W., Barbaro, L., Abdala-Roberts, L., Barsoum, N., Fründ, J., Glynn, C., Jactel, H., McShea, W. J., Mereu, S., Mooney, K. A., Morillas, L., Nock., C. A., Paquette, A., Parker, J. D., Parker, W. C., Roales, J., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Schuldt, A., Verheyen, K., Weih, M., Yang, B., Koricheva, J. (2024) Tree diversity enhances predation by birds but not by arthropods across climate gradients. Ecology Letters, 27 (5), 1–11.

Wang, M.-Q., Guo, S.-K., Guo, P.-F., Yang, J.-J., Chen, G.-A., Chesters, D., Orr, M., Niu, Z.-Q., Staab, M., Chen, J.-T., Li, Y., Zhou, Q.-S., Fornoff, F., Shi, X., Li, S., Martini, M., Klein, A.-M., Schuldt, A., Liu, X., Ma, K., Bruelheide, H., Luo, A., Zhu, C.-D. (2024) Multi-dimensionality of tree communities structure host-parasitoid networks and their phylogenetic composition. eLife,

Wildermuth, B., Hagge, J., Seifert, C.L., Tjaden, R. & Schuldt, A. (2024) Beneficial effects of native broadleaved forests on canopy beetle diversity are not reduced by admixture of non-native conifers. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61, 1000-1014.

Wildermuth, B., Penanhoat, A., Sennhenn-Reulen, H., Matevski, D., Drescher, J., Aubry-Kientz, M., Seidel, D., Schuldt, A. (2024) Canopy structure influences arthropod communities within and beyond tree identity effects: Insights from combining LiDAR data, insecticidal fogging and machine learning regression modelling. Ecological Indicators,

Yi, H., Eisenhauer, N., Austen, J.C, Rebollo, R., Ray, T., Bönisch, E., von Oheimb, G., Fichtner, A., Schuldt, A., Patoine, G., Ferlian, O. (2024) Tree diversity and mycorrhizal type co-determine multitrophic ecosystem functions. Journal of Ecology, 112 (3), 528-546,