

  • André Fiala, Hagar Meltzer, Michael Schleyer, Orinae Turrel, Annekathrin Widmann A (2025): Editorial: Invertebrate brains as model systems for learning, memory, and recall: development, anatomy and function of memory systems. Frontiers in Physiology 15: 1545795.


  • Büşra Çoban, Haiko Poppinga, El Yazid Rachad, Bart Geurten, David Vasmer, Francisco Jesus Rodriguez Jimenez, Yogesh Gadgil, Stephan Hubertus Deimel, Idan Alyagor, Oren Schuldiner, Ilona C. Grunwald Kadow, Thomas Dieter Riemensperger, Annekathrin Widmann & André Fiala (2024): The caloric value of food intake structurally adjusts a neuronal mushroom body circuit mediating olfactory learning in Drosophila. Learning & Memory 31: a053997.

  • Edanur Sen, Amira El-Keredy, Nina Jacob, Nino Mancini, Gülüm Asnaz, Annekathrin Widmann, Bertram Gerber & Juliane Thoener (2024): Cognitive limits of larval Drosophila: testing for conditioned inhibition, sensory preconditioning, and second-order conditioning. Learning & Memory 31: a053726.

  • André Fiala & Karla R. Kaun (2024): What do the mushroom bodies do for the insect brain? Twenty-five years of progress Learning & Memory 31: a053827.

  • Julia Schulz, Hanna Rebekka Franz, Stephan Hubertus Deimel & Annekathrin Widmann (2024): Exploring neonicotinoid effects on Drosophila: insights into olfactory memory, neurotransmission, and synaptic connectivity. Frontiers in Physiology 5: 1363943.


  • Oded Mayseless, Gal Shapira, El Yazid Rachad, André Fiala & Oren Schuldiner (2023): Neuronal excitability as a regulator of circuit remodeling. Current Biology 33(5): 981-989.


  • Haiko Poppinga, Büsra Çoban, Hagar Meltzer, Oded Mayseless, Annekathrin Widmann, Oren Schuldiner & André Fiala (2022): Pruning deficits of the developing Drosophila mushroom body result in mild impairment in associative odour learning and cause hyperactivity. Open Biology 12(9): 220096.

  • Oded Mayseless, El Yazid Rachad, Gal Shapira, André Fiala & Oren Schuldiner (2022): Silencing neuronal activity is required for developmental circuit remodeling. bioRxiv 2021.10.31.466652; doi:

  • Clare E Hancock, Vahid Rostami, Stephan Hubertus Deimel, Martin Paul Nawrot & André Fiala (2022): Visualization of learning-induced synaptic plasticity in output neurons of the Drosophila mushroom body γ-lobe. Scientific Reports 12(1): 10421.


  • Luigi Prisco, Stephan Hubertus Deimel, Hanna Yeliseyeva, André Fiala & Gaia Tavosanis (2021): The anterior paired lateral neuron normalizes odour-evoked activity in the Drosophila mushroom body calyx. eLife 2021;10: e74172.

  • Lothar Baltruschat, Luigi Prisco, Philipp Ranft, J. Scott Lauritzen, André Fiala, Davi D Bock & Gaia Tavosanis (2021): Circuit reorganization in the Drosophila mushroom body calyx accompanies memory consolidation. Cell Reports 34(11): 108871.

  • Atefeh Pooryasin, Marta Maglione, Marco Schubert, Tanja Matkovic-Rachid, Sayed-Mohammad Hasheminasab, Ulrike Pech, André Fiala, Thorsten Mielke & Stephan Sigrist (2021): Unc13A and Unc13B contribute to the decoding of distinct sensory information in Drosophila. Nature Communications 12(1): 1932.


  • Hancock CE, Geurten BRH, Fiala A (2020). Visualization of naive and learned odor representations using in vivo calcium imaging and immunohistochemical bouton mapping of single Drosophila mushroom body neurons. STAR Protocols 1(3): 100210.
  • Eschment M, Franz HR, Güllü N, Hölscher LG, Huh K-E, Widmann A (2020). Insulin signaling gates long-term memory formation in Drosophila larvae. PLoS Genet 16(10): e1009064.
  • Bilz F, Geurten BRH, Hancock CE, Widmann A, Fiala A (2020). Visualization of a distributed synaptic memory code in the Drosophila brain. Neuron 106: 963-976.e4.
  • Kanellopoulos AK, Mariano V, Spinazzi M, Woo YJ, McLean C, Pech U, Li KW, Armstrong JD, Giangrande A, Callaerts P, Smit AB, Abrahas BS, Fiala A, Achsel T, Bagni C (2020). Aralar sequesters GABA into hyperactive mitochondria, causing social behavior deficits. Cell 180: 1178-1197.
  • Warth Pérez Arias CC, Frosch P, Fiala A, Riemensperger TD (2020). Stochastic and arbitrarily generated input patterns to the mushroom bodies can serve as conditioned stimuli in Drosophila. Front Physiol 11:53.
  • Grabe V, Schubert M, Strube-Bloss M, Reinert A, Trautheim S, Lavista-Llanos S, Fiala A, Hansson BS, Sachse S (2020). Odor-induced multi-level inhibitory maps in Drosophila. eNeuro 7:1-18.

  • 2019

    • Eschment M, Franz HR, Güllü N, Hölscher LG, Huh K-E, Widmann A (2019). Insulin signaling gates long-term memory formation in Drosophila larvae. bioRxiv 842997; doi:
    • Bilz F, Geurten B, Fiala, A (2019). Visualization of a Distributed Synaptic Memory Code in the Drosophila Brain (April 30, 2019). NEURON-D-19-00588. Available at SSRN: or
    • Hancock CE, Bilz F, Fiala A (2019). In Vivo Optical Calcium Imaging of Learning-Induced Synaptic Plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster. J Vis Exp 152: e60288.
    • Martelli C, Fiala A (2019). Slow presynaptic mechanisms that mediate adaptation in the olfactory pathway of Drosophila. Elife. 2019 Jun 10;8. pii: e43735.

    • 2018

      • Mayseless O, Berns DS, Yu XM, Riemensperger T, Fiala A, Schuldiner O (2018). Developmental Coordination during Olfactory Circuit Remodeling in Drosophila. Neuron 99: 1204-1215.
      • Sun J, Xu AQ, Giraud J, Poppinga H, Riemensperger T, Fiala A, Birman S (2018). Neural Control of Startle-Induced Locomotion by the Mushroom Bodies and Associated Neurons in Drosophila. Front Syst Neurosci 12: 6.

      • 2017

        • Martelli C, Pech U, Kobbenbring S, Pauls D, Bahl B, Sommer MV, Pooryasin A, Barth J, Arias CWP, Vassiliou C, Luna AJF, Poppinga H, Richter FG, Wegener C, Fiala A, Riemensperger T (2017). SIFamide Translates Hunger Signals into Appetitive and Feeding Behavior in Drosophila. Cell Rep 20: 464-78.
        • Niens J, Reh F, Çoban B, Cichewicz K, Eckardt J, Liu YT, Hirsh J, Riemensperger TD (2017). Dopamine Modulates Serotonin Innervation in the Drosophila Brain. Front Syst Neurosci 11: 76.
        • Fiala A, Riemensperger T (2017). Localization of a Memory Trace: Aversive Associative Olfactory Learning and Short-Term Memory in Drosophila. In: Menzel, R. (ed.), Learning Theory and Behavior, Vol. 1 of Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 2nd edition, Byrne, J.H. (ed.). pp. 475-482. Oxford: Academic Press.; ISBN: 9780128051597.
        • Riemensperger T, Bilz F, Fiala A (2017). Visualization of Synapses and Synaptic Plasticity in the Drosophila Brain. In: Celik, A. Wenet, M.F. (eds.), Decoding Neural Circuit Structure and Function. Pp. 309-319. Springer International Publishing AG. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-57363-2_12; ISBN: 9783319573632.


        • Gupta VK, Pech U, Bhukel A, Fulterer A, Ender A, Mauermann SF, Andlauer TF, Antwi-Adjei E, Beuschel C, Thriene K, Maglione M, Quentin C, Bushow R, Schwaerzel M, Mielke T, Madeo F, Dengjel J, Fiala A, Sigrist SJ (2016). Spermidine suppresses age-associated memory impairment by preventing adverse increase of presynaptic active zone size and release. PLoS Biol 14: e1002563.
        • Riemensperger R, Kittel RJ, Fiala A (2016). Optogenetics in Drosophila neuroscience. Methods Mol Biol 1408: 167-75.


        • Pooryasin A, Fiala A (2015). Identified serotonin-releasing neurons induce behavioral quiescence and suppress mating in Drosophila. J Neurosci 35: 12792-812.
        • Pech U, Revelo NH, Seitz KJ, Rizzoli SO, Fiala A (2015). Optical dissection of experience-dependent pre- and postsynaptic plasticity in the Drosophila brain. Cell Rep 10: 2083-95.


        • AzimiHashemi N, Erbguth K, Vogt A, Riemensperger T, Rauch E, Woodmansee D, Nagpal J, Brauner M, Sheves M, Fiala A, Kattner L, Trauner D, Hegemann P, Gottschalk A, Liewald JF (2014). Synthetic retinal analogues modify the spectral and kinetic characteristics of microbial rhodopsin optogenetic tools. Nat Commun 5: 5810.
        • Lavista-Llanos S, Svato A, Kai M, Riemensperger T, Birman S, Stensmyr MC, Hansson BS (2014). Dopamine drives Drosophila sechellia adaptation to its toxic host. ELife 2014 Dec 9. doi: 10.7554/eLife.03785.001.
        • Andlauer TF, Scholz-Kornehl S, Tian R, Kirchner M, Babikir HA, Depner H, Loll B, Quentin C, Gupta VK, Holt MG, Dipt S, Cressy M, Wahl MC, Fiala A, Selbach M, Schwarzel M, Sigrist SJ (2014). Drep-2 is a novel synaptic protein important for learning and memory. Elife 2014 Nov 13;3. doi: 10.7554/eLife.03895.
        • Dawydow A, Gueta R, Ljaschenko D, Ullrich S, Hermann M, Ehmann N, Gao S, Fiala A, Langenhan T, Nagel G, Kittel RJ (2014). Channelrhodopsin-2-XXL, a powerful optogenetic tool for low-light applications. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111: 13972-7.
        • Cassar M, Issa AR, Riemensperger T, Petitgas C, Rival T, Coulom H, Iché-Torres M, Han KA, Birman S. (2014). A dopamine receptor contributes to Paraquat-induced neurotoxicity in Drosophila. Hum Mol Genet 24: 197-10. doi: 1093/hmg/ddu430
        • Vasmer D, Pooryasin A, Riemensperger T, Fiala A (2014). Induction of aversive learning through thermogenetic activation of Kenyon cell ensembles in Drosophila. Front Behav Neurosci 8: 174.
        • Barth J, Dipt S, Pech U, Hermann M, Riemensperger T, Fiala A (2014). Differential associative training enhances olfactory acuity in Drosophila melanogaster. J Neurosci 34: 1819-37.


        • Faghihi F, Kolodziejski C, Fiala A, Wörgötter F, Tetzlaff C (2013). An information theoretic model of information processing in the Drosophila olfactory system: the role of inhibitory neurons for system efficiency. Front Comput Neurosci 7: 183.
        • Riemensperger T, Issa AR, Pech U, Coulom H, Nguyen MV, Cassar M, Jacquet M, Fiala A, Birman S (2013). A single dopamine pathway underlies progressive locomotor deficits in a Drosophila model of Parkinson disease. Cell Rep 5: 952-60.
        • Hiroi M, Ohkura M, Nakai J, Masuda N, Hashimoto K, Inoue K, Fiala A, Tabata T (2013). Principal component analysis of odor coding at the level of third-order olfactory neurons in Drosophila. Genes Cells 18: 1070-81.
        • Gupta VK, Scheunemann L, Eisenberg T, Mertel S, Bhukel A, Koemans TS, Kramer JM, Liu KS, Schroeder S, Stunnenberg HG, Sinner F, Magnes C, Pieber TR, Dipt S, Fiala A, Schenck A, Schwaerzel M, Madeo F, Sigrist SJ (2013). Restoring polyamines protects from age-induced memory impairment in an autophagy-dependent manner. Nat Neurosci 16: 1452-60.
        • Pech U, Dipt S, Barth J, Singh P, Jauch M, Thum AS, Fiala A, Riemensperger T (2013). Mushroom body miscellanea: transgenic Drosophila strains expressing anatomical and physiological sensor proteins in Kenyon cells. Front Neural Circuits 7: 147.
        • Pech U, Pooryasin A, Birman S, Fiala A (2013): Localization of the contacts between Kenyon cells and aminergic neurons in the Drosophila melanogaster brain using splitGFP reconstitution. J Comp Neurol 521: 3992-4026.
        • Fiala A (2013): Optogenetic approaches in behavioral neuroscience. In: P. Hegemann, S. Sigrist (Eds.), Optogenetics (Dahlem Workshop Reports). De Gruyter, ISBN 9783110270716.
        • Kamikouchi A, Fiala A (2013): Monitoring neural activity with genetically-encoded Ca2+indicators. In: O. Hiroto; O. Kotaro (Eds.), Methods in Neuroethological Research. Springer, ISBN 9784431543305.
        • Dipt S, Riemensperger T, Fiala A (2013): Optical calcium imaging using DNA-encoded fluorescence sensors in transgenic fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster. In: J. Zhang, Q. Ni, R.H. Newman (Eds.), Fluorescent Protein-Based Biosensors: Methods and Protocols (Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1071). Humana Press / Springer. ISBN 9781627036214.
        • Riemensperger T, Fiala A (2013): Optophysiological approaches to learning and memory in Drosophila melanogaster. In: R. Menzel, P.R. Benjamin (Eds.), Invertebrate Learning and Memory. Academic Press, ISBN 9780124158238.


        • Kucherenko MM, Barth J, Fiala A, Shcherbata HR (2012). Steroid-induced microRNA let-7 acts as a spatio-temporal code for neuronal cell fate in the developing Drosophila brain. EMBO J 31: 4511-23.
        • Nuwal N, Stock P, Hiemeyer J, Schmid B, Fiala A, Buchner E (2012). Avoidance of heat and attraction to optogenetically induced sugar sensation as operant behavior in adult Drosophila. J Neurogenet 26: 298-305.
        • Riemensperger T, Pech U, Dipt S, Fiala A (2012). Optical calcium imaging in the nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster. Biochim Biophys Acta 1820:1169-78.
        • Huser A, Rohwedder A, Apostolopoulou AA, Widmann A, Pfitzenmaier JE, Maiolo EM, Selcho M, Pauls D, von Essen A, Gupta T, Sprecher SG, Birman S, Riemensperger T, Stocker RF, Thum AS. (2012). The serotonergic central nervous system of the Drosophila larva: anatomy and behavioral function. PLoS One 7(10):e47518.
        • Humphrey DM, Parsons RB, Ludlow ZN, Riemensperger T, Esposito G, Verstreken P, Jacobs HT, Birman S, Hirth F. (2012). Alternative oxidase rescues mitochondria-mediated dopaminergic cell loss in Drosophila. Hum Mol Genet 21(12):2698-712.
        • Strutz A, Völler T, Riemensperger T, Fiala A, Sachse S (2012). Calcium imaging of neural activity in the olfactory system of Drosophila. In: J.R. Martin (Ed). Genetically encoded functional indicators. (Series: Neuromethods, Vol. 72). Humana Press / Springer. ISBN 9781627030137.


        • Christiansen F, Zube C, Andlauer TF, Wichmann C, Fouquet W, Owald D, Mertel S, Leiss F, Tavosanis G, Luna AJ, Fiala A, Sigrist SJ (2011). Presynapses in Kenyon cell dendrites in the mushroom body calyx of Drosophila. J Neurosci 31: 9696-707.
        • Niewalda T, Völler T, Eschbach C, Ehmer J, Chou WC, Timme M, Fiala A, Gerber B (2011). A combined perceptual, physico-chemical, and imaging approach to 'odour-distances' suggests a categorizing function of the Drosophila antennal lobe. PLoS One 6: e24300.
        • Störtkuhl KF, Fiala A (2011). The Smell of Blue Light: A New Approach toward Understanding an Olfactory Neuronal Network. Front Neurosci 5:72.


        • Fiala A, Hofbauer A, Wu CF (2010). From synapses to behavior: neurobiology in Drosophila. J Neurogenet 24: 91-2.
        • Fiala A, Suska A, Schlüter OM (2010). Optogenetic approaches in neuroscience. Curr Biol 20: 897-903.
        • Kamikouchi A, Wiek R, Effertz T, Göpfert MC, Fiala A (2010). Transcuticular optical imaging of stimulus-evoked neural activities in the Drosophila peripheral nervous system. Nat Protoc 5: 1229-35.
        • Bellmann D, Richardt A, Freyberger R, Nuwal N, Schwärzel M, Fiala A, Störtkuhl KF (2010). Optogenetically Induced Olfactory Stimulation in Drosophila Larvae Reveals the Neuronal Basis of Odor-Aversion behavior. Front Behav Neurosci 4: 27.


        • Kamikouchi A, Inagaki HK, Effertz T, Hendrich O, Fiala A, Göpfert MC, Ito K (2009). The neural basis of Drosophila gravity-sensing and hearing. Nature 458: 165-71.


        • Crisp S, Evers JF, Fiala A, Bate M. (2008). The development of motor coordination in Drosophila embryos. Development 135: 3707-17.


        • Fiala A (2007). Olfaction and olfactory learning in Drosophila: recent progress. Curr Opin Neurobiol 17: 720-6.
        • Suh GS, Ben-Tabou de Leon S, Tanimoto H, Fiala A, Benzer S, Anderson DJ (2007). Light activation of an innate olfactory avoidance response in Drosophila. Curr Biol 17: 905-8.


        • Schroll C, Riemensperger T, Bucher D, Ehmer J, Völler T, Erbguth K, Gerber B, Hendel T, Nagel G, Buchner E, Fiala A (2006). Light-induced activation of distinct modulatory neurons triggers appetitive or aversive learning in Drosophila larvae. Curr Biol 16: 1741-7.


        • Riemensperger T, Völler T, Stock P, Buchner E, Fiala A (2005). Punishment prediction by dopaminergic neurons in Drosophila. Curr Biol 15: 1953-60.
        • Sánchez-Soriano N, Bottenberg W, Fiala A, Haessler U, Kerassoviti A, Knust E, Löhr R, Prokop A (2005). Are dendrites in Drosophila homologous to vertebrate dendrites? Dev Biol 288: 126-38.


        • Fiala A, Spall T (2003). In vivo calcium imaging of brain activity in Drosophila by transgenic cameleon expression. Sci STKE 2003 (174): PL6.


        • Fiala A, Spall T, Diegelmann S, Eisermann B, Sachse S, Devaud JM, Buchner E, Galizia CG (2002). Genetically expressed cameleon in Drosophila melanogaster is used to visualize olfactory information in projection neurons. Curr Biol 12: 1877-84.