

Bernhard Ebbinghaus and J. Timo Weishaupt (eds.): The Role of Social Partners in Managing Europe's Great Recession. Crisis Coroporatism or Corporatism in Crisis?, Routledge Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State, Series editors: Martin Rhodes, University of Denver, USA, and Maurizio Ferrera, University of Milan, Italy, Abingdon (UK) and New York, Routledge, 2022.

Egidijus Barcevicius, J. Timo Weishaupt and Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.): Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination. Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: From the Manpower Revolution to the Activation Paradigm: Explaining Institutional Continuity and Change in an Integrating Europe. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press 2011.

Journal articles (peer reviewed)

Bernhard Ebbinghaus and J. Timo Weishaupt: Readjusting unemployment protection in Europe: how crises reshape varieties of labour market regimes, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 2022: 28 (2), 181-194.

Weishaupt, J. Timo, Helena Schneider, Sandra Vogel and Jan Weckwerth: OT-Verbände in der Metall- und Elektrobranche: Stabilisierung des Tarifsystems auf tönernen Füßen?, Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management, 2021: 28 (1), 360-379.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: German Labour Market Resilience in Times of Crisis: Revealing Coordination Mechanisms in the Social Market Economy, German Politics, Vol. 30, 2021, Issue 3, Seiten 360-379, published online 17.02.2021.

Jan Weckwerth and J. Timo Weishaupt: Still Seeking Coordination? Assessing German Employers’ Interests in the Digitalized Social Market Economy, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 2019: 65 (3), 333-364.

Weishaupt, J. Timo (mit Menno Soentken): When Social Partners Unite - Explaining Continuity and Change in Austrian and Dutch Labour Market Governance, Social Policy and Administration, September 2015: 49 (5), 593-611.

Weishaupt, J. Timo (mit Tobias Schulze-Cleven): Playing Normative Legacies: Partisanship and Employment Policies in Crisis-Ridden Europe. Politics & Society, June 2015: 43 (2), 269-299.

Weishaupt, J. Timo (mit Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Claus Wendt): Editorial: Der Umbau des Wohlfahrtsstaates in Krisenzeiten: Institutioneller Wandel in Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 2013: 59 (3), 279-290,

Eichhorst, Werner und J. Timo Weishaupt: Mit Neo-Korporatismus durch die Krise? Die Rolle des Sozialen Dialogs in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform/Journal of Social Policy Reserach, 2013: 59 (3), 313-335.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: Die offene Methode der Koordinierung in der deutschen Sozialpolitik: Trojanisches Pferd, sozialpolitischer Beschleuniger, oder vertane Chance?. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 2013: 59 (1), 61-84.

Weishaupt, J. Timo and Přívara, Andrej: The Austrian Flexicurity Model: A Source of Inspiration for other EU Member States?. The New Economy, 2013: 6 (1), 99-109.

Weishaupt, J. Timo and Hörisch, Felix: It's the Youth, Stupid. Explaining Labour Market Policy Reactions to the Crisis. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 2012: 6 (2), 233-253.

Weishaupt, J. Timo and Lack, Katja: The European Employment Strategy: Assessing the Status Quo, German Policy Studies (GPS), Special Issue, 2011: 7 (1), 9-41

Weishaupt, J. Timo: A Silent Revolution? New Management Ideas and the Reinvention of European Public Employment Services. Socio-Economic Review, 2010: 8 (3), 461-486.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: Germany after a Decade of Social Democrats in Government: The End of the Continental Model. German Politics, 2010: 19 (2), 105-122.

Hörisch, Felix, und J. Timo Weishaupt: Explaining Variations in the Fight against Unemployment in Times of the Global Financial Crisis: A Mixed-Methods Approach, Working Papers - Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, No 135. Mannheim 2010.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: Money, Votes or 'Good' Ideas? Partisan Politics and the Effectiveness of the European Employment Strategy in Austria and Ireland. European Integration online Papers , 2009: 13 (1) 1-17.

Federico Ferrera and J. Timo Weishaupt, J. Timo: Get your Act Together: Party Performance in European Parliament Elections. European Union Politics, 2004: 5 (3), 283-306.


Weishaupt, J. Timo Methods of Quality Management (AMS Austria)”, Study Visit Report: Summary Report, European Network of Public Employment Services, 2018.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: Establishing and Operating Performance Management in Public Employment Services. Analytic Paper for the European Network of Public Employment Services, European Commission's Mutual Learning Programme for Public Employment Services, March 2016.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: Central Steering and Local Autonomy in Public Employment Services. Analytic Paper, European Commission's PES-to-PES Dialogue, October 2014

Weishaupt, J. Timo: Social Partners and the Governance of Public Employment Services: Trends and Experiences from Western Europe, International Labour Office; Labour Administration and Inspection Programme (LAB/ADMIN), Working Paper, 17 May 2011.

Book chapters
Weishaupt, J Timo, and Christian Hinrichs (2024).The European Platform on Combatting Homelessness: Delivering the Goods Against the Odds?” in Bart Vanhercke, Sebastiano Sabato and Slavina Spasova (eds.), Social Policy in the European Union: State of Play 2023 (European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE): Brussels, 115-132.

Weishaupt, J. Timo (with Henning Jørgensen and Alexander Nunn): "Activation in Public Employment Services in Europe", in Douglas J. Besharov and Douglas M. Call (eds): Work and the Social Safety Net: Labor Activation in Europe and the United States. Oxford / New York: Oxford University Press, 2022, 204-241.

Weishaupt, J. Timo (with Bernhard Ebbinghaus): " Introduction: studying social concertation in Europe". In: Bernhard Ebbinghaus and J. Timo Weishaupt (eds.) The Role of Social Partners in Managing Europe's Great Recession. Crisis Coroporatism or Corporatism in Crisis?", Routledge Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State, Series editors: Martin Rhodes, University of Denver, USA, and Maurizio Ferrera, University of Milan, Italy, Abingdon (UK) and New York, Routledge, 2022, 3-23.

Weishaupt, J. Timo:"Back to the future: Germany's turn to neo-corporatism in times of crisis". In: Bernhard Ebbinghaus and J. Timo Weishaupt (eds.) The Role of Social Partners in Managing Europe's Great Recession. Crisis Coroporatism or Corporatism in Crisis?", Routledge Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State, Series editors: Martin Rhodes, University of Denver, USA, and Maurizio Ferrera, University of Milan, Italy, Abingdon (UK) and New York, Routledge, 2022, 53-74.

Weishaupt, J. Timo (with Bernhard Ebbinghaus):"Social concertation at a crossroad: crisis corporatism or corporatism in crisis?". In: Bernhard Ebbinghaus and J. Timo Weishaupt (eds.) The Role of Social Partners in Managing Europe's Great Recession. Crisis Coroporatism or Corporatism in Crisis?", Routledge Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State, Series editors: Martin Rhodes, University of Denver, USA, and Maurizio Ferrera, University of Milan, Italy, Abingdon (UK) and New York, Routledge, 2022, 262-278.

Weishaupt, J. Timo (with Bernhard Ebbinghaus):"Postscript: social partnership facing the 2020 coronavirus pandemic". In: Bernhard Ebbinghaus and J. Timo Weishaupt (eds.) The Role of Social Partners in Managing Europe's Great Recession. Crisis Coroporatism or Corporatism in Crisis?", Routledge Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State, Series editors: Martin Rhodes, University of Denver, USA, and Maurizio Ferrera, University of Milan, Italy, Abingdon (UK) and New York, Routledge, 2022, 279-294.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: Arbeitsmarktpolitik. In: Obinger, Herbert & Schmidt, Manfred G.(eds.) Handbuch Sozialpolitik. Wiesbaden, Springer VS 2019, 669-696. (PDF)

Weishaupt, J Timo: Between Power and Persuasion: Explaining the Introduction of Statutory Minimum Wage Laws in Britain and Germany. In: Ebbinghaus, Bernhard & Naumann, Elias (eds.) Welfare State Reforms Seen from Below: Comparing Public Attitudes and Organized Interests in Britain and Germany. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 55-79.

Weishaupt, J. Timo (with Bernhard Ebbinghaus): "Die Zukunft des deutschen Arbeitsmarktes in globalen Wissensgesellschaften" [The Future of the German Labour Market in Global Knowledge Societies] in Ulrich Becker, Stephan Leibfried, Peter Masuch and Wolfgang Spellbring (eds.), Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik. Grundlagen und Herausforderungen des deutschen Staates. 60 Jahre Bundessozialgericht. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2014, 667-682.

Weishaupt, J. Timo (with Egidijus Barcevicius and Jonathan Zeitlin): "Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination: Disentangling a Paradoxical Debate", in Egidijus Barcevicius, J. Timo Weishaupt and Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.): Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 1-15.

Weishaupt, J. Timo (with Egidijus Barcevicius and Jonathan Zeitlin): "Tracing the Social OMC from its Origins to Europe 2020" in Egidijus Barcevicius, J. Timo Weishaupt and Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.), Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 16-39.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: "Comparing the Social OMC: Variations in National Use and Influence" in Egidijus Barcevicius, J. Timo Weishaupt and Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.), Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 138-160.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: "The Social OMC in Germany: Slow but Steady?" in Egidijus Barcevicius, J. Timo Weishaupt and Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.), Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 203-233.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: "Origin and Genesis of Activation Policies in 'old' Europe: Toward a Balanced Approach?", in: Marx, Ive and Nelson, Kenneth eds., Minimum Income Protection in Flux, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 190-216. PDF

Weishaupt, J. Timo (with Caroline de la Porte): "The Open Method of Coordination for Social Inclusion and Social Protection: Theoretical and Empirical State of the Art", in Payá, Irene Monsonís and Ferrer, Jorge Garcés (eds.), Sustainability and Transformation of European Social Policy. Brussels: P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2013, 41-60.

Weishaupt, J. Timo (with Klaus Armingeon; Bernhard Ebbinghaus; Martin Heidenreich; Kerstin Martens) "Europäische und internationale Sozialpolitik" [European and International Social Policy] in Marius Busemeyer, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Stephan Leibfried, Nicole Mayer-Ahuja, Herbert Obinger, Birgit Pfau-Effinger (eds.) Wohlfahrtspolitik im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2013, 75-87.

Weishaupt, J. Timo: "Governing Public Employment Services: New Public Management, Social Partnership and Privatization", in: Rychly, Ludek and Heyes, Jason eds., Labour Administration in Uncertain Times: Policy, Practice and Institutions, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2013, 194-221.

Book reviews

Book review of Risto Heiskala and Jari Aro (eds.); together with Vincent Lindner: Policy design in the Union. An empire of shopkeepers in the making? Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. In: European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology Published online on 21 March 2019 (PDF)

Book review of Mariely López-Santana: The New Governance of Welfare States in the United States and Europe: Between Decentralization and Centralization in the Activation Era. SUNY Press 2015. In: Social Policy and Administration 2016: 50 (1), 124-125. (PDF)

Book review of David Rueda: Social Democracy Inside Out. Partisanship and Labor Market Policy in Industrialized Democracies. Oxford, Oxford University Press 2007. In: Czech Sociological Review 2009: 45 (3), 622-625. (PDF)

Book review of Jochen Clasen und Daniel Clegg (eds.): Regulating the Risk of Unemployment. Oxford, Oxford University Press 2011. In: Czech Sociological Review 2013: 49 (3), 482-485. (PDF)

The European Platform on Combatting Homelessness: delivering the goods against the odds? (A new momentum for affordable housing in the EU? ETUI conference, 05.12.2024)