Sehen Lernen: Humans and AI in Comparison

The ‘Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre’ is funding the project as part of ‘Freiraum 2023’/p>

Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Langner

Team: M. Kipke, Alexander Zeckey

Since ChatGPT became available, the digital turn has become ever more prevalent in society and also in everyday university life. ChatGPT turned out to be significant for communication and research. To the way we deal with images in every day live, deep fakes and image generators such as Dall-E or mid-journey are just as significant. This not only leads to shifts in society and the way we approach images in everyday life. It also leads to changes in university education for students and teachers alike, who are now confronted with a new and exciting, but often overwhelming set of methods.

Sehen Lernen aims to counter this challenge and make the methods more accessible to students and teachers in the shape of a key competence module, including a web platform and learning units. By comparing human vision to artificial intelligence, both the digital methods and fundamental questions of visual studies can be addressed in different fields. The focus will remain on the humanities questions related to visual media. Their complexity and demands must be met by the digital methods. In turn, machine learning will be explained in an understandable and comprehensible way so that both students and teachers can develop a careful approach to dealing with AI.

The ultimate goal is for students and lecturers to acquire skills in dealing with machine learning methods as well as visual media and to be able to apply these skills in their respective fields.