Selected talks held in English

Scheiternde Digitalisierungen und Brüche in der Steuerung von Arbeit. Vortrag für den Arbeitskreis Arbeitsforschung und Arbeitspolitik, IG Metall Hauptvorstand am 23. Januar 2025 in Frankfurt a. M.


The dual economics in the labour process: managerial contradictions and indirect control. Talk held at the launch event of the themed issue of Work in the Global Economy on Labour Process Theory 50 years after Braverman, November 21st, online.

Coercion, Consent and Conflict in the Labour Process and Beyond – Opening Keynote at the 42nd International Labour Process Conference from April 3rd to April 5th 2024 at Georg-August-University Göttingen


From Braverman to ‘indirect control’ (and back again)? Bringing German research on control into the discussion with LPT. Lecture in the Special Stream ‘Braverman and Beyond’, 41st International Labour Process Conference ‘Fair and decent work in the global economy’, 12th - 14 th April 2023, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.


Corporate Strategies of Digitalisation and the Many Faces of Domination: Reviewing the Narrative of Digital Taylorism. Lecture at the 39th International Labour Process Conference, 12th - 14th April 2021, University of Greenwich, UK, online (held together with Wolfgang Menz).


Work Objectives as Contested Terrain: The Tension between Management Ratios and Employees’ own Understandings of Work. Lecture at the International Labour Process Conference, 4th - 6th April 2016 at the WZB Berlin, Germany.


New Forms of Work Control and the Paradoxes of Participation. Lecture at the Congrès de la Société Suisse de Sociologie 2015 ‘Dynamiques collectives, (dé-)régulations sociales et espaces publics’, Panel 1 ‘Reassembling the public? From collective action to invited participation’, 3rd - 5th Juni 2015, Université de Lausanne (held together with Wolfgang Menz).


Managing Mobilities Within The Working Context. Preconditions, Practices And Boundary Management. Paper presented at the Cosmobilities Network 10th Anniversary Conference 2014: Networked Urban Mobilities – How New Technologies Change Cities, Cultures And Economies. 5th -7th November 2014, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Crisis Corporatism and the Legitimation of the Political System. Lecture at the 11th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA): Crisis, Critique and Change, 30th August 2013, University Turin, Italy (held together with Wolfgang Menz).


Struggles against plant closures in boom and crisis of finance capitalism and new forms of workers-participation - a challenge for consensus-based industrial relations? Lecture at the 9th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA): European Society or European Societies? RN 17: Industrial Relations, Labour Market Institutions and Employment, Session 8B: Old and New Actors in Industrial Relations, 2nd-5th September 2009 (held together with Wolfgang Menz).