Extended Defects in Semiconductors 2014

September 14-19,2014, Göttingen, Germany
September 14-19,2014, Göttingen, Germany
The biennial conference series on Extended Defects in Semiconductors started with a meeting in Hünfeld, Germany, in 1978. Subsequent meetings took place in France, Greece, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Russia. EDS-2012 was held in Thessaloniki, Greece.
EDS-2014 targets at bringing together experts on fundamental and applied research on structural defects in current and future semiconducting material systems, their nanostructures and devices.
- Thin films and heterostructures
- Low-dimensional systems and related defects: semiconductor nanocrystals, quantum wells, quantum dots, nanowires
- Interface structures and defect interaction
- Extended defects in C-related materials (incl. graphen)
- Doping-, irradiation-, and implantation-induced defects
- Electronic structure of defects
- Defect engineering, strain engineering
- Mechanical properties and dislocation dynamics
- Role of defects in opto-electronic and magnetic properties
- Degradation mechanisms in semiconductor devices
- Atomistic and multiscale simulations, modeling approaches of defects, interfaces and nanostructures
- Advanced characterisation techniques and methods for the investigation of semiconductor materials, in-situ imaging and analysis
- Semiconductor hybrid systems, e.g. for biological and medical applications
- Interaction of point and extended defects, point defect agglomeration
- Materials for solar energy conversion and energy storage