Veranstaltungen und Angebote

Marketplace for projects and theses

On Thursday, 06.06.2024, the CIDAS marketplace for projects and theses will take place again in the Foyer of Geosciences and Geography, Goldschmidtstr. 3-5. Starting at 3 p.m., lecturers and researchers will present topics for theses and projects related to data science in the form of a poster session.

The event is aimed at students of data science, computer science and statistics as well as all those interested in data science from the application subjects. In addition, the marketplace offers a good opportunity to find out about the research of other groups and to exchange ideas with colleagues on the Göttingen Campus.

If you would like to participate as a research group, please sent a mail at by 04.06.2024 to register - so that we can ensure that sufficient space and poster walls are available. Please also include the title of your poster/topic and your institution as well as contact details so that these can also be made available to students.

Data Science Summer School 2023

Knowledge and skills in Data Science are becoming indispensable for researchers of all disciplines. Especially young researchers profit from knowing about the scope and application areas of Data Science in scientific work in specific and across different disciplines. Furthermore, they must understand the belonging implications for scientific inquiries, and the skills required by a data scientist to be productive in a world deluged by data.

The University of Göttingen is pleased to host an International Summer School on Data Science this year again. For the fourth time since 2017 Master and PhD students are welcome to apply and take part in the Summer School.

The date: September 11-22, 2023

The location:
Göttinger Rechenzentrum
Burckhardtweg 4
37077 Göttingen

The topics:
The speakers will give an overview on the multi-layered topics and methods belonging to Data Science. Such as

  • Data Quality
  • Exploratory and Quantitative Data Analysis
  • Deep Learning
  • Application examples
  • Quantum Machine Learning
  • AI Safety and Security
  • Scalable AI

  • The lectures:

Lecturers from several disciplines will enable cross-disciplinary insights. This year’s summer school opens the opportunity for the participants to engage with further experts at the HeKKSaGOn AI Symposium which will take part in Göttingen from September 19-21. All lectures will be held in English.

Selected learning outcomes:
In the deep learning part of the course students will:

  • learn concepts and techniques underlying deep learning and understand their advantages and disadvantages compared to alternative approaches
  • learn to solve practical data science problems using deep learning using the popular PyTorch library
  • learn the basics of modern deep learning architectures (convolutional neural networks and transformers) and learn how to implement these architectures in PyTorch
  • learn applications of deep neural networks for computer vision and natural language processing tasks

Target group:
The Summer School will welcome up to 35 participants representing mainly international partner universities of the University of Göttingen studying Master- or PhD-Courses. The participants will be granted 3 ETCS for their work during the course.

Please find more information and the link to the registration form here:

Eröffnungssymposium: KISSKI – neues KI-Servicezentrum in der Region Göttingen / Hannover/ Kassel


Der Fokus des KI-Servicezentrums liegt auf Anwendungen und Forschungstätigkeiten in den Bereichen Gesundheit und Energie. Diese Wirtschaftsbereiche zählen zu entscheidenden Infrastrukturen in Deutschland und stellen höchste Ansprüche im Bereich des Datenschutzes. Das KISSKI ermöglicht Pilotprojekte von Wissenschaftler:innen und Industrie (insbesondere Startups und KMUs).

Was ist unsere Vision für KISSKI? Wie gehen wir den Betrieb und wie können Sie Ihre Pilotprojekte in KISSKI durchführen?

Das Symposium bietet spannende Einblicke in unsere Planung rund um das KI-Servicezentrum, anregende Diskussionsrunden rund um KI in Energie und Medizin sowie eine hervorragende Gelegenheit zum Networking und Austausch mit Stakeholdern aus Ihrer Branche.

Anmeldung und weitere Informationen unter:

Public Symposium: “Law and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Biomedicine”


The ProCAIMed consortium cordially invites you to the symposium "Law and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Biomedicine" on 16 May 2023 at Herrenhausen Palace. Is there a right to treatment with AI? How does to protect patient data and at the same time make it usable as a resource for AI applications for the benefit of future patients? How can doctors and nurses interact with algorithmic systems in assessment and decision-making situations?
On 16 May, you can discuss these and other questions with experts from various scientific disciplines, including Prof. Dr. Alena Buyx, Chair of the German Ethics Council, Dr. Maren Lang, Director BioInformatics R&D at BioNTech and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl, Professor of Computer Science and Executive Director of the L3S Research Centre. In addition to ethical, legal, and social issues, challenges, and approaches to solutions in the medical field will also be discussed. The symposium is aimed at the broad professional public from medicine, science, the health industry and politics as well as organised civil society.

Participation is free of charge and registration is now open. The symposium will be held exclusively in German.

Date: 16 May 2023 in Hanover, Herrenhausen Palace, admission from 10:30 AM

ProCAIMed is a joint project of Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS), CIIM (Centre for Individualised Infection Medicine), Georg-August-University Göttingen, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, L3S Research Center, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover Medical School, and the University Medical Centre Göttingen.