PhD students (Alumni)
Elisa Beitzen-HeinekeEvaluation of environmental influences on the effect of ATTRACAP®, a biological soil insecticide for wireworm control, and subsequent stabilization of the efficiency
Catalina Posada-VergaraShahinoor Rahman
The effect of global change on multitrophic interactions of sugar beet
René Pfitzer (External PhD)
El Hadi MorzogMahsa Dehghani
Fungus gnat resistance to entomopathogenic fungi: ecological and physiological roles
Hadis Jayanti
Combination of endophytic entomopathogenic fungi as biological control mechanism
Sandra GranzowEffects of cropping systems on plant associated microbial communities of faba bean and wheat
Laurenz Hettlage
Use of an entomopathogenic, endophytic Metarhizium brunneum isolate (Cb15III) to manage wireworm and Colorado potato beetle
Farouk Bouro gâa
Insecticidal properties of the physic nut tree Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae) and potential use in pest management
Khaldon AskoulEffects of host plants, temperature regimes, and mating scenarios on the population dynamics of the cabbage whitefly Aleyrodes proletella L. (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
Bart VandenbosscheEffect of temperature on the interactions between beet cyst nematodes (Heterodera schachtii and Heterodera betae) and sugar beet
Henrike Hennies
Evaluierung der Resistenzeigenschaften in Raps (Brassica napus L.) gegenüber dem Rapserdfloh (Psylliodes chrysocephala L.) und der Kleinen Kohlfliege (Delia radicum L.)
Sandra Milena Aragon Rodriguez
Influence of the endophytic fungi Beauveria bassiana in the chemical communication between tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum) and the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Dalia Muftah Al Khayat
Entomopathogens as endophytes: efficacy and quantity assessment
Michael Brandl
Exploitation of synergistic effects between semiochmicals and Metarhizium brunneum against soil pests
Meike Brandes
Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen Strategie zur Bekämpfung von Rapsschädlingen unter Berücksichtigung populationsdynamischer Wirkungen von Insektiziden bei Pyrethroid resistenten Rapsglanzkäfern
Christina Sann
Parasitoid food web structures and the influence of differences in land use intensity, water management, farming practice and climate change on biocontrol services in rice
Caroline Eberlein
Influence of agronomic practices on the development of soil suppression against cyst-forming plant-parasitic nematodes
Peter MwauraHost-parasite interaction between the potato tuber rot nematode (Ditylenchus destructor), stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) and potato
Sajjad Ali
Impact of aphid secondary bacterial symbionts on the physiological and behavioral interactions of aphids and their natural enemies
Rieke LohseDevelopment of a novel fermentation process and evaluation of formulation strategies for an endophytic Beauveria bassiana strain
Antje Reinhardt
Effect of climate change on population dynamics and damage potential of insect pests on oilseed rape
Marie-Luise Tölle
Factors regulating the population dynamics and damage potential of pollen beetle (Meligethes eaneus F.) on crops of oilseed rape
Franziska WehmheuerInfluence of grassland management and herbivory on diversity and ecology of plant-associated bacterial communities
Alexander DöringEffect of plant characteristics on host plant selection and larval performance of specialist insect pests on Brassicaceae
Mario Schumann
Development of an "Attract&Kill" strategy for the control of western corn rootworm larvae
Anne Wilstermann
A regional view of an impending invasion: western corn rootworm development in Northern Germany
Lana DobrindtInfluence of grassland management on the abundance of the endophytic fungi Neotyphodium
Lara JaberThe effects if the root endophytic fungus Acremonium strictum on plant-herbivore interactions
Benedikt Kurtz
Interaction of maize root associated fungi and the western corn rootworm
Nadine Neumann
Lethal and sublethal effects of insecticides on mortality, migration and host searching behaviour of tersilochine parasitoids on winter oilseed rape
Carsten Schmidt
Diversity and distribution patterns of foliar fungal endophytes in Theobroma cacao in Central Sulawesi and interactions between endophytes and host plant
Michael EickermannEffects of Brassica genotype on the infestation by cabbage stem weevil Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Mrsh.) (Col.: Curculionidae) and the parasitism of stem weevil larvae
Hussein AlkhedirMolecular characterisation of Sitobion avenae F. clones and their interaction with different host plants
Hervé Bertin Bisseleua DaghelaEcological, social and economic determinants in cocoa production systems in southern Cameroon
Magnus Kühne
The Andean potato weevil Premnotrypes suturicallus - Ecology and interactions with the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana
Andrea RossbachInfluence of the host shift of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. to peas on its parasitoids in Kenya
Lars ReimerClonal diversity and population genetic structure of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) in central Europe
Isolde Steinbrecher
Effects of Bt transgenes on herbivorous insect-parasitoid interactions
Nabil El-WakeilNew aspects of biological control of Helicoverpa armigera in organic cotton production
Adane Kassa
Development and testing of mycoinsecticides based on submerged spores and aerial conidia of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) for control of locusts, grasshoppers and storage pests
Joachim Moeser
Nutritional ecology of the invasive maize pest Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte in Europe