Workshop Program 2024

Please click on the workshop titles in order to see the further details concerning dates, venue, registration, content and testimonials from previous participants.

  • Dates: Thursday, 18 January 2024, 9:00-17:30h and Friday, 19 January 2024, 9:00-16:30h
  • Location: in person on North Campus
  • Target Group: Early postdocs and late-stage PhD students who are looking for their first or next postdoctoral position
  • Trainer: Dr Dagmar Sigurdardottir
  • Workshop Category: Knowing and Marketing Yourself
  • Brief Description: Post-doctoral positions are usually not that hard to get but finding the right one that can firmly establish a professional career is really challenging. At the same time, scientists towards the end of their PhD don’t have a lot of time to spend on the search for the right post-doctoral position. Therefore, this workshop provides a compact overview of relevant aspects and the opportunity to explore one’s own preferences. Specifically, participants learn to define their own criteria for a successful post-doctoral position, develop their targeted search and application strategy, assess the relative benefit of post-doctoral grants and prepare to harness the full potential of their post-doc interview. For further information please check out our GAUSS Career Blog Post.
  • Testimonials: "This is a really great workshop, well thought out and well organized. It helps you take a structured approach to a fairly nebulous and variable process, categorizes the various aspects to consider, including ones you may have missed, in addition to making you reflect on yourself and your needs when it comes to applying for a post-doc. It also utilizes the diversity of its participants to highlight the many different factors and paths to consider in the process of applying for post-docs.";
    "I have to say that I was not sure what to expect from this workshop when I applied. Every person is different and to find some materials useful for every one of us would be impossible. But the teacher had a perfect structure of the lesson and was very knowledgeable about various areas and topics, so in the end she was able to give some general advice applicable to all as well as some more tailored suggestions for each and every one in the room. I am very grateful to her and also to other participants, it was very helpful to hear thoughts and opinions from people who are in the same boat with me.";
    "The workshop is extremely helpful for PhD students in their last year. It gave me insight and useful information of how to apply for a post-doc."
  • Registration: Email us and register for our services

  • Dates: Tuesday, 20 February 2024, 9-17h and Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 9-15:30h
  • Location: in person on North Campus
  • Target Group: Postdocs and late-stage PhD students who are currently applying or planning to apply for a position in industry
  • Trainer: Dr Gaby Schilling
  • Workshop Category: Knowing the Job Market
  • Brief Description: The goal of this workshop is getting to know different departments and their functions in a company and reflect about whether related jobs could be a good fit for your interests and profile. PhD students and postdocs with a background in natural and life sciences are usually not educated in economic thinking and hence often don’t know how enterprises create values and what different departments contribute to the company’s economic success. For further information please check out our GAUSS Career Blog Post.
  • Testimonials: "For PhDs and postdocs without much experience outside academia this workshop is a good opportunity to learn about common roles in the industry and what daily routine awaits in positions such as "production manager" etc. Gaby - who is looking at more than a decade of experience in an international chemical company - has an answer and an example to everything.";
    "Gaby Schilling provided extremely valuable insights into the corporate world, the meaning of different job titles and role descriptions together with perspectives for PhDs and Postdocs outside of science. Attending the workshop helped me decide to pursue a career outside of academia and has equipped me with everything to get started with applications and interviews!";
    "This course gives an introduction to the company structure and culture, but most importantly it brings students together who are currently looking for job positions in industry. It is a great opportunity to connect with them."
  • Registration: Email us and register for our services

  • Dates: Monday and Tuesday, 18-19 March 2024, 9-17h
  • Location: in person on North Campus
  • Target Group: Postdocs and late-stage PhD students with leadership responsibilities
  • Trainer: Dr Alexander Britz
  • Workshop Category: Improving Your Personal and Professional Skills
  • Brief Description: Advancing as a scientist, both out- as well as inside academia, comes with increased leadership responsibilities. In this interactive workshop the participants learn the essential leadership skills which are necessary to be successful as a PhD student or Postdoc and to later facilitate a successful transition to a senior position at a research institution or the dream job outside academia. For further information please check out our GAUSS Career Blog Post.
  • Testimonials: "Over the two days, we collectively discussed and built the kind of leader we hope to be. I realized how much it would take to be a good leader. Alexander created a comfortable environment to exchange and gave us the tools to identify challenges and resolve them by effectively organizing and communicating our goals and priorities.";
    "Good workshop to reflect on yourself, your leadership qualities and what it means to work with people in general."
  • Registration: Email us and register for our services

  • Dates: Thursday and Friday, 4-5 April 2024 (Day 1: 9-17h; Day 2: 9-15h; plus 3h pre-teaching prior to the workshop
  • Location: online
  • Target Group: Postdocs and late-stage PhDs planning to apply for a research grant within the next 6 months
  • Trainer: Dr Thomas Koch
  • Workshop Category: Improving Your Personal and Professional Skills
  • Brief Description: By participating in this workshop, you will get an overview of the German research funding landscape including selected EU programs and learn how to identify the right funding opportunity for your research endeavor. Furthermore, you will benefit from learning what makes a fundable research project, how to tailor your case for support to meet the evaluation criteria and how to structure and schedule the writing process. For further information please check out our GAUSS Career Blog Post.
  • Testimonials: "A high-quality workshop on writing competitive research proposals and funding applications. Very much recommended for final-year PhD students and postdoc researchers in all fields and career stages.";
    "The workshop was extremely beneficial and more fun that I anticipated. The balance between the lectures and the interactive exercises was really good. Thomas expertly managed to summarize a great deal of information in a very short time, in a very condensed but clear form. Thank you!";
    "Great workshop! It gives good insight into the German funding agencies and the hierarchical structure of funding sources."
  • Registration: Email us and register for our services

  • Dates: Monday and Tuesday, 3-4 June 2024, 9-16h
  • Location: in person on North Campus
  • Target Group: International Postdocs and late stage-PhD students who are looking for a job outside Academia in Germany
  • Trainer: Dr Philippa Cook
  • Workshop Category: Knowing the Job Market
  • Brief Description: For postdoctoral researchers with an international background, it can be a real challenge to get into Germany's non-academic job market following an academic position. The entry routes into jobs are not always transparent, candidates are often not well-informed about what to expect in the application process and not everyone can offer German language skills. Where and how you can look for a job outside classic academia depends on your qualifications and skills set, on your individual life situation as well as on knowing about possible entry paths and strategies, the (unwritten) rules of the game and other parameters. This workshop, tailored specifically for the needs of international scholars, offers assistance with this. For further information please check out our GAUSS Career Blog Post.
  • Registration: Email us and register for our services

  • Dates: Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 9-17h
  • Location: online
  • Target Group: Postdocs and late-stage PhDs seriously planning to apply for a research grant within the next few months
  • Trainer: Dr Neela Enke
  • Workshop Category: Improving Your Personal and Professional Skills
  • Brief Description: The workshop provides participants with an overview of the most important research funding organisations at national and European level as well as the funding instruments relevant to their current career situation. The project planning, application and review processes will be explained in detail. This provides participants with the tools for the independent acquisition of third-party funding. Therefore, strategies and tools for the concrete design and preparation of applications as well as common review procedures will be presented. In this sense, the workshop provides insights into formal and informal aspects of the review process. Dealing with the rejection of applications will also be covered. Participants will be supported in developing ideas as to which instruments could be particularly suitable for their individual career situation and the strategic development of their research projects. For further information please check out our GAUSS Career Blog Post.
  • Testimonials: "I suggest this workshop if you are late PhD students (as it was in my case) or early postdoc. It gives a very good introduction about the possible funding opportunities and its application process. It helps you to take initial steps towards the application of your own funds. You can also get more information through participants who might be actively applying for the funds. I would highly recommend the workshop.";
    "It is very informative and helpful if you are a young researcher and want to apply for a grant."
  • Registration: Email us and register for our services

  • Dates: Thursday and Friday, 29-30 Aug 2024, 9-16h
  • Location: in person on North Campus
  • Target Group: Postdocs and late-stage PhD students in the process of applying for a job outside academia
  • Trainer: Christelle Linsenmann
  • Workshop Category: Improving Your Personal and Professional Skills
  • Brief Description: In this workshop, participants learn to prepare for upcoming application procedures and especially the different phases and requirements of a job interview. After this workshop, participants can effectively describe their individual job-relevant skills and unique strengths, present themselves professionally in a job-interview and are able to master unforeseen or difficult situations confidently. The workshop focuses on the reflection of individual competencies, practical exercises on frequently asked questions and techniques in interviews and dealing with critical or unknown questions. Finally, participants will develop their own authentic self-presentation. Methodologically, the workshop focuses on a change of input phases, feedback rounds and guided exercises. For further information please check out our GAUSS Career Blog Post.
  • Testimonials: "It was a great workshop, the trainer was super nice, helpful and open to discussion. It was really easy to approach her. Also she gave us good ideas how to improve ourselves for future interviews, I would say not only in industry but also in academia.";
    "This workshop has helped me to identify strengths and competencies that are translatable to any other non-academic job. I've learned about the format and content of job interviews and received valuable information about how/what to prepare."
  • Registration: Email us and register for our services

  • Dates: 9, 12, 16 and 19 September 2024, 9-11h
  • Location: online
  • Target Group: Late-stage PhDs and Postdocs
  • Trainer: Dr Iris Köhler
  • Workshop Category: Knowing the Job Market
  • Brief Description: The majority of PhD holders does not stay in academia, but pursues careers in a variety of fields. Many young scientists struggle with finding out which career path they would like to pursue. They are not sure which career options exist and they often have never taken the time to reflect on what kind of work they would actually like to do and what their values, interests and goals are. This course will help participants to gain a better understanding of their life and career goals, analyze their skills and competencies, be aware of career options within and outside academia and design an individual career development plan. For further information please check out our GAUSS Career Blog Post.
  • Registration: Email us and register for our services

  • Date: Tuesday and Wednesday, 15-16 October 2024, 9-17h
  • Location: online
  • Target Group: Postdocs and late-stage PhDs planning to apply for a research grant within the next 6 months
  • Trainer: Dr Thomas Koch
  • Workshop Category: Improving Your Personal and Professional Skills
  • Brief Description: By participating in this workshop, you will get an overview of the German research funding landscape including selected EU programs and learn how to identify the right funding opportunity for your research endeavor. Furthermore, you will benefit from learning what makes a fundable research project, how to tailor your case for support to meet the evaluation criteria and how to structure and schedule the writing process. For further information please check out our GAUSS Career Blog Post.
  • Testimonials: "A high-quality workshop on writing competitive research proposals and funding applications. Very much recommended for final-year PhD students and postdoc researchers in all fields and career stages.";
    "The workshop was extremely beneficial and more fun that I anticipated. The balance between the lectures and the interactive exercises was really good. Thomas expertly managed to summarize a great deal of information in a very short time, in a very condensed but clear form. Thank you!";
    "Great workshop! It gives good insight into the German funding agencies and the hierarchical structure of funding sources."
  • Registration: Email us and register for our services

  • Date: 28-29 November 2024 (Day 1: 10-17h, Day 2: 10-14h)
  • Location: online
  • Target Group: Postdocs and Junior PIs in Natural Sciences
  • Trainer: Peter Schröder
  • Workshop Category: Improving Your Personal and Professional Skills
  • Brief Description: This workshop intends to facilitate synergistic effects and implement basic project management culture to increase the efficient use of resources and improve teamwork. The trainer will pick up existing problems and work on solutions together with the participants in a mixture of „ex-cathedra“ teaching, jointed and group phases. For further information please check out our GAUSS Career Blog Post.
  • Registration: Email us and register for our services

  • Date: Monday and Tuesday, 9-10 December 2024, 9-17h
  • Location: in person on North Campus
  • Target Group: Postdocs and late-stage PhD students in the process of applying for a job outside academia
  • Trainer: Dr Alexander Britz
  • Workshop Category: Improving Your Personal and Professional Skills
  • Brief Description: Are you currently working as Postdoc or finalizing your PhD? Do you plan to transition to your next position in or outside of academia, but feel unprepared for the job hunt? In this highly interactive workshop, you will get a comprehensive set of career development strategies which will help you master this process. You will learn to decide what your next career step should be and how to be effective in the application process including compiling a convincing application and mastering the job interview. For further information please check out our GAUSS Career Blog Post.
  • Testimonials: "This workshop is excellent if you wish to get a taste of how interviews look like (especially in the industry/private sector). You will get the chance to get some very useful tips on how to prepare yourself for the job application process, from preparing your CV to which kind of questions you should expect in an interview and how to prepare for them with meaningful answers that can make the difference between getting a job position or not.";
    "Good opportunity to engage with people who are in the same situation (trying to find a job), to be pushed out of your comfort zone and to express your worries and questions in a confidential setting. This was a great workshop, with new information and training for writing a CV/a cover letter and interview preparation."
  • Registration: Email us and register for our services