Presenting Well
Raising proficiency, awareness and confidence in English-language public speaking
Trainer: Victoria Viebahn M.A. (Oxon)
Date: 23-24.04.2010, 9.00 - 18.00; 9.00 - 13.00
Place: Seminarraum 3, Tagungszentrum der Historischen Sternwarte, Geismar Landstr. 11
Target Group: all
organizer: GSGG
Sessions I/II:
These sessions (Day 1, morning and afternoon) will offer participants the opportunity to develop ideas and strategies for designing and preparing their English-language presentations.
The following aspects will come under discussion:
• Structuring and planning a presentation in English. What needs to be borne in mind in the English-language presentation culture?
• Formulating the text: considerations of sentence structure and language issues. What works well? What doesn’t?
In particular, the intention here is for participants to refresh and build on their existing English language reserves and identify areas for improvement.
• Achieving coherence and developing argumentation: introducing new points, using linking devices, maintaining flow, concluding;
• “Active ingredients”: the use of special communicative tools;
• Visual aids: use of slides, layout and content.
Session III (Day 2, morning)
• Discussion: aspects of delivery, in particular timing, intonation, rhythm;
• Tricky pronunciation: common problems;
• Interaction with the audience and handling questions;
• Looking ahead: future fine-tuning.