Application for a Master Thesis at the Chair of Interorganizational Information Systems 2025 (February)

Personal information

First name
Last name
Student ID
Student e-mail

Study-related information

Course of study
Current semester
Grade average
Completed research seminar(s) and grade(s) (e.g., “Information Systems Research (2.3)”)
Completed module(s) at the chair and grade (e.g., "Digital Platforms (2.3)")

Topic areas of the thesis (ordered by preference in descending order)

Note: If the text is cut off from the topic, please visit the overview page for the thesis or zoom out in your browser.

Preference 1
Preference 2
Preference 3
Own topic proposal (optional, if you want to write your thesis in cooperation with a company, please also indicate this here)
Motivation for writing your thesis with the chair and for the topic area (optional)

The statement of motivation is voluntary and serves to guarantee you the best possible care. At this point you can indicate, for example, whether a preliminary meeting with the potential supervisor has already taken place.

Important note: Please do not forget to send your current FlexNow grade sheet to Prof. Dr. Trenz ( in order to complete your application. Otherwise your application will not be considered.

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