The latest activities of the Jean Monnet Chair are also presented in the News Blog on the Chair's Homepage. This blog archive contains all current and past blog posts of the Jean Monnet Chair.
Winter Semester 2021/2022

Book Launch
7 December 2021. Prof. Stoll, head of the Jean Monnet Chair, is co-editor of the book Meredith Kolsky Lewis, Junji Nakagawa, Rostam J. Neuwirth, Colin B. Picker, Peter-Tobias Stoll (eds), A Post-WTO International Legal Order - Utopian, Dystopian and Other Scenarios, Springer (Cham), 2020. In sixteen chapters, the authors of „A Post-WTO Legal Order - Utopian, Dystopian and Other Scenarios" sketch the future of the world trade order with a view to the current crisis of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The book launch will take place on 9 December 2021, 12:00 (CET). Please register here for participation.

Photo: Dan Roizer (Unsplash)
Challenges for Forest Protection
22 November 2021. Dr. Yilly Pacheco, research fellow of the Jean Monnet Chair, gave a presentation on 15 October 2021 about the legal and political challenges for conservation and sustainable use of forests from the global perspective. In her talk, she mainly addresses the absence of a global forest convention, the problems regarding implementing International Forest Law, and the political responses to deforestation and forest degradation. The conference was organized by the Cusanuswerk for its doctoral scholars.

Photo: Gene Gallin (Unsplash)
PTAs and Forest Protection
20 October 2021. Dr. Yilly Pacheco published a new paper about the potential of Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) to contribute to forest governance and sustainable forest management. By analyzing several disputes, the author shows how forest issues may play a key role in negotiating and implementing PTAs, promoting compliance of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, and promoting public participation in environmental matters. She concludes that PTAs provide further options to develop and implement International Forest Law beyond the Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
Summer Semester 2021

Photo: Marcin Jozwiak (Unsplash)
Seminar on EU Trade Policy
18 October 2021. Prof. Dr. Peter-Tobias Stoll invites all interested students to participate in the "EU Trade Policy and Sustainable Development: climate, environment and human rights " seminar to register until 26th October 2021. The seminar will explore whether the recent measures and initiatives to bring trade policy in line with the EU Green Deal effectively promote environmental protection and human rights. For more information, contact Dr. Yilly Pacheco ( The seminar notice can be downloaded here.

Photo: Dave Hoefler (Unsplash)
Forests in Secondary Law
4 August 2021. Yilly Pacheco, research fellow of the Jean Monnet Chair, successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Forests in Multilateral Environmental Agreements: conservation and sustainable use of forests thorough secondary law". The thesis analyses more than 60 Decisions and Resolutions adopted by the Conferences of the Parties of several Multilateral Environmental Agreements applicable to sustainable forest management and conservation. The author concludes that secondary law may help create bridges to reduce fragmentation and promote regime interaction among the MEAs.

Model Labour Chapter
26 July 2021. Prof. Peter-Tobias Stoll, Dr. Henner Gött, and Dr. Patrick Abel, in cooperation with Bernd Lange, MEP and Chair of the Committee on International Trade at the European Parliament, present a model labour chapter for future EU trade agreements. The model presents an ambitious approach to secure and enhance the protection of workers. It contains substantive labour protection standards, an institutional and procedural framework, and provisions to empower participation of civil society. Download as PDF here.

Photo: Tembinkosi Sikupela (Unsplash)
EU-African Trade Agreement
25 June 2021. Would it make sense for the EU to conclude a trade agreement with the newly founded African Continental Free Trade Area and its members? What would it look like and what steps would have to be taken? In an interdisciplinary study by the Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Prof. Stoll and Malte Gutt from the Institute and Prof. Bernhard Brümmer and Dr. Bernhard Dalheimer from the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development of Göttingen University see a potential for such an agreement. Study (PDF, German only).
Winter Semester 2020/2021

Photo: Alexander Schimmeck (Unsplash)
Study on Brexit
22 March 2021. After leaving the European Union, international agreements will hardly prevent the UK from considerably changing its policies in view of the protection of the environment, consumers and labour standards. This is the result of a study of Prof. Stoll, head of the Jean Monnet Chair, that was commissioned by the Parliament of the German State of Northrhine-Westfalia. The study now has been derestricted and can be downloaded here (in German only).

Photo: Jaime Lopes (Unsplash)
Call for Applications
14 February 2021. The Call for Applications to the new project "ECI from A to Z" is open now! The Jean Monnet Chair is looking for 20 students who are interested in engaging in this dynamic and collaborative project about the European Citizens' Initiative, which is conducted together with other EU universities. The selected students will participate in online training activities and a transnational simulation of the European Citizens' Initiative. Deadline for applications is 15 April 2020. Download the Call for Applications here.

New Project: ECI from A to Z
14 February 2021. The Jean Monnet Chair has joined the universities of Coimbra (Portugal), Vigo (Spain), and Iasi (Romania) to conduct the new interactive project "European Citizen's Initiative: A tool for engagement and active citizenship". The project with the short title "ECI from A to Z" aims to promote civic engagement and voluntary participation and to model a European Citizens' Initiative's procedure before the European Commission. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU. More information can be found here and on the project website.

Photo: Juan Pablo Ahumada (Unsplash)
European Green Deal
15 January 2021. Prof. Dr. Peter-Tobias Stoll, head of the Jean Monnet Chair, gave a presentation on the EU Commission's Green Deal from an environmental law perspective. The presentation was part of the international forum of environmental justice (foro internacional de justicia ambiental) which was hosted in Santiago by the 2nd environmental court of Chile. Prof. Stoll said that, in order to ensure consistent and effective sustainibility policy making, there is a need for institutions which can evaluate and coordinate the Green Deal measures.

Photo: Mika Baumeister (Unsplash)
EU Trade and Sustainability
08 January 2021. The Jean Monnet Chair offers a seminar on "EU Trade and Investment for Sustainable Development" in summer semester 2021. The seminar will deal with recent EU international trade and investment agreements and trade policy initiatives. It will focus on how these agreements and initiatives aim at promoting sustainable development in global perspective. Introductory meetings will take place online on 2 February and 7 April at 6 pm. Participants receive the language certificate. Further information can be found here.

Photo: USGS (Unsplash)
Doctoral Seminar
On 03 December 2020, the Jean Monnet Chair will host a digital Doctoral Seminar. The presenting participants are international Ph.D. researchers under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Stoll, head of the Jean Monnet Chair. The discussion topics are Sustainable Finance and EU Trade Agreements, Paris Agreement and NDC´s, the right to development in the African human rights system, and International Law and Indigenous Peoples' Rights to Land Property. The program can be downloaded here.

United in Diversity - Conference
On 19-20 November 2020, the European conference "United in Diversity. A Europe of Sustainability – Challenges and Perspectives" will be hosted by Göttingen University, the European University Network ENLIGHT and the Jean Monnet Chair. Aim of the conference is to discuss the challenges of sustainable development of our society and possible contributions of science to this. The speakers are renowned experts from science, politics and society. The conference is part of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. For details and registration, visit the conference website.
Summer Semester 2020

Photo: Yong Chuan Tan (Unsplash)
Forests in Trade Agreements
On 26 June 2020, Yilly Pacheco, research fellow of the Jean Monnet Chair, gave an online speech on her recent paper on forest governance and Sustainable Forest Management in Preferential Trade Agreements. She compared the EU and US trade agreements' approaches and analyzed the latest disputes between US-Peru and EU-Ukraine on the implementation of forest provisions. The event was organized by the Universidad de la Amazonía in Colombia. Download the paper here.

Photo: Kurt Cotoaga (Unsplash)
Seminar on EU Sustainability
22 July 2020. The Jean Monnet Chair offers a seminar on "European Union Sustainable Development: from Concept to Action" to advanced students. The European Union is a strong supporter of the principle of sustainable development – internationally as well as internally. The seminar will explore the legal foundations of the principle and means to implement it both globally and within the EU, including EU trade agreements, law of climate change, emission control and nature protection. Details

Photo: Peter Wormstetter (Unsplash)
Digital Semester
20 July 2020. The Jean Monnet Chair has successfully carried out its first online semester. Several lectures, seminars and examinations were offered in a fully digitzed version to adapt to the special situation of a worldwide pandemic. A range of new technologies was used, including video lectures, live online conferences and interactive e-learning modules. The Chair was able to build on existing e-learning experience, since video lectures were already produced in 2019 as part of the Jean Monnet Chair's activities.

Photo: Robert Larsson (Unsplash)
Doctoral Seminar
On 9 June 2020, the Jean Monnet Chair hosted its first virtual Doctoral Seminar. The Participants are Ph.D. researchers from Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Italy, Germany, and Russia. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Stoll, head of the Jean Monnet Chair, they discussed diverse research areas such as EU Sustainable Finance and International Trade Law, Sustainable Forest Management in Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Regional Co-operation in the Arctic.

Photo: Tyler Nix (Unsplash)
The Future of the WTO
10 May 2020. Prof. Dr. Peter-Tobias Stoll, holder of the Jean Monnet chair, has published a research paper about the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its ability to withstand profound political challenges. The paper with the title "A Washington wake-up call and hybrid governance for world trade" has been published in the journal "Questions of International Law". The WTO is currently affected by multiple actions of the US administration, that challenge its core principles. The paper can be read here.
Winter Semester 2019/2020

Photo: Naveen Jack (Unsplash)
Third Jean Monnet Paper
25 March 2020. The third Jean Monnet Paper has been published by the Jean Monnet Chair. The paper by Samuel Matthias Hartwig adresses the topic "Sustainability and Future Generations: How can their interests be preserved?". It describes the philosophical and legal foundations of Intergenerational Equity and proposes measures that could strenghten Intergenerational Equity in international law. The paper is available for download here.

Photo: robin inizan (Unsplash)
Second Jean Monnet Paper
24 March 2020. The Jean Monnet Chair has published its second Jean Monnet Paper. The paper on "Sustainable Development and EU External Action" ist written by Sven Pauls. It provides a historical overview of how the EU incorporated sustainable development into its external action. Pauls concludes that the recognition of sustainable development is closely linked to the European integration process. The paper is available for download here.

Photo: Franz Wender (Unsplash)
Seminar on Brexit
8 March 2020. The Jean Monnet Chair offers a seminar on the Brexit and its current developments to advanced students. On 31 January, the United Kingdom has left the European Union. The seminar will address the legal consequences, analyze the so-called Withdrawal Agreement and discuss current developments, particularly the negotiations on an agreement on the future relations. The introductory meeting should take place on 14 April. Details

Photo: Susan Yin (Unsplash)
First Jean Monnet Paper
12 February 2020. The Jean Monnet Chair has started the publication of its research paper series "Jean Monnet Papers". The first Jean Monnet Paper is now available for download here. The paper by Nazli Aghazadeh-Wegener examines how the EU incorporates sustainable development into its legislation and policy. She concludes that the EU governance approach acknowledges the three dimensions of sustainable development in an imbalanced manner.

European Foreign Policy
On 21 October 2019, Bernd Westphal gave a guest lecture and debate on European and German foreign policy in the case of Nord Stream 2. Bernd Westphal is a member of the German Bundestag and the spokesperson on economic and energy policy of the SPD parliamentary group. The gas pipeline Nord Steam 2 is politically highly controversial, because it affects geostrategical interests of important global players as the EU, USA, Russia and others.

Photo: chuttersnap (Unsplash)
Second Doctoral Seminar
On 22 January 2020, the Jean Monnet Chair will host a second Doctoral Seminar on international economic law. The five participants are Ph.D. researchers from Göttingen University and other Universities. They will present legal research regarding trade and investment agreements, WTO law, human rights and others. The Seminar will take place in the Blue Tower Seminar Room 13 Floor. Download the full program here.

Photo: Priscilla Du Preez (Unsplash)
Seminar on Green Deal
08 January 2020. The Jean Monnet Chair offers a seminar on the new "European Green Deal" to advanced students. The Green Deal was recently announced by the European Commission. It aims at making the EU climate-neutral by 2050, protecting natural habitats and unlocking economic growth. The seminar will address the legal aspects of this ambitious project, including EU and international dimensions. Introductory meetings will take place on 29 January and 16 April. Details (PDF)

Photo: Agustín Lautaro (Unsplash)
Doctoral Seminar
On 28 November 2019, the Jean Monnet Chair has hosted a Doctoral Seminar on International Environmental Law and Indigenous Peoples. The six participants are Ph.D. researchers from Göttingen University and the Goethe University Frankfurt. They presented legal research regarding environment and forest protection, climate change, the arctic, indigenous peoples and others. The Seminar took place in the Blue Tower Seminar Room 13 Floor. Download the full program here.

Brexit and the EU
On 29 October 2019, Prof. Dr. Stoll, head of the Jean Monnet Chair, gave a speech about the Brexit process at a public event of the Young European Federalists (JEF) in Göttingen. He described the legal framework and outlined possible scenarios of how the United Kingdom could leave the EU. He then identified a political pivot point: how much EU legislation will the UK retain to enable trade at the Irish border? Ultimately, Brexit might challenge the unity of the UK.
Summer Semester 2019

Photo Credits: Oleksii Khodakivskiy (Unsplash)
International Law in Athens
From 12 - 14 September 2019, the Jean Monnet Chair participated in the annual conference of the European Society of International Law (ESIL). The conference took place in Athens and focused on the legal concept of sovereignty. Prof. Dr. Stoll, Head of the Jean Monnet Chair, gave the opening speech for the workshop of the Interest Group on International Economic Law. Earlier this year, the Jean Monnet Chair had hosted the ESIL Research Forum 2019 in Göttingen.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Indigenous Peoples
16 September 2019. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of indigenous peoples, you have probably checked out the Wikipedia entry of this word before starting to read this article. (Moreover, in case you are familiar with this concept, you have already read the Wikipedia’s entry on indigenous peoples). Accordingly, on Wikipedia’s page on indigenous peoples, you looked at persons standing in beautiful landscapes and read the following paragraph ... Full Blog Post.

Upcoming Lectures
16 September 2019. In the upcoming winter semester, the Jean Monnet Chair team members will offer a variety of lectures and seminars. A seminar on "Current Developments in International Economic Law and the EU" and lectures on "International and European Environmental Law and Sustainable Development", "International and European Economic Law", "European Law I" and "European Administrative Law" impart in-depth knowledge of European and Sustainability Law. Details.

Photo Credits: Hans Luiggi (Unsplash)
US-Peru PTA: Forest Protection
29 August 2019. A recent dispute on environmental matters under a Preferential Trade Agreement, involving forest issues for the very first time, indicates that further developments might be expected in terms of sustainable development and environmental protection. A new paper offers an overall assessment on the enforcement of the environmental chapter of the US-Peru PTA in force since 2009, which contains strong provisions to tackle trade associated with illegal logging. Full Blog Post.

Photo Credits: Markus Spiske (Unsplash)
Seminar on Economic Law
July 09, 2019. The Jean Monnet Chair offers a seminar on "Current Developments in International Economic Law and the EU WTO - Trade Agreements - Investment Law – Sustainable Development - China". The course will take place in Göttingen and Brussels. It adresses, amongst others, new trends in international investment law and recent EU trade agreements. The first introductory meeting will take place on Thursday, 16 July. Participants can receive a language certificate. Further information can be found here.

Writing School Workshop
On 28 June 2019, the Writing School of the Jean Monnet Chair organised the first workshop on “Basics of Journal Article Writing”, in cooperation with the International Writing Centre (ISZ) of Göttingen University. It was conducted by Dr. Ella Grieshammer, director of the ISZ. In the workshop, students and Ph.D. candidates learnt differences between writing seminar papers and journal articles and trained how to write abstracts, introductions, and conclusions for a research paper.

Environmental Law in Florence
On May 16 and 17, 2019, a Doctoral Seminar on Environmental Law was held in Florence, hosted by the European University Institute (EUI). It was organised by the Jean Monnet Chair in cooperation with the EUI, the University of Groningen, Uppsala University and the University of Maastricht. The seminar was focused on discussing research projects on International and European Environmental Law, such as International Cooperation and Assistance to Developing Countries on Climate Change Adaptation. Full Blog Post

Photo Credits: Leyre Labarga (Unsplash)
Start of Jean Monnet Papers
May 16, 2019. The Jean Monnet Chair has launched the submission procedure for its research paper series, the Jean Monnet Papers on European and International Sustainability Law. Students and young academics are now invited to submit manuscripts of their high-level research results. The Jean Monnet Papers focus on international law and sustainable development law issues. All information about the submission and puplication procedure can be found here.

Photo Credits: © photothek / Auswärtiges Amt
Rule of Law in the EU
On May 13, 2019, the Jean Monnet Chair, in cooperation with the European Law Students' Association (ELSA), hosted a presentation about the protection of the rule of law in the European Union. It was held by Dr. Jens-Christian Gaedtke, who is vice director of the unit for EU Policy Issues at the German Federal Foreign Office. He discussed the prospects of legal instruments for sanctioning rule of law violations by EU member states, including the procedure of Article 7 TEU.
Winter Semester 2018/2019

Research Forum on Rule of Law
On 4 to 5 April 2019, the 2019 ESIL Research Forum was hosted in Göttingen. 160 legal scholars discussed historic, theoretical and economic aspects of the rule of law. The Forum was organised by the European Society of International Law (ESIL) and the holder of the Jean Monnet Chair, Prof. Peter-Tobias Stoll. The Vice-President at the European Court of Human Rights, Prof. Dr. Angelika Nussberger, gave a keynote speech. The Forum gives opportunities to younger scholars to present their research. Full Report

Photo Credits: Jan's Archive (Unsplash)
Seminar on Sustainability
On Thursday, 31 January, the Jean Monnet Chair has introduced a seminar on Sustainable Development and sustainability reporting. Beyond exploring the evolution, concept and legal relevance of the principle in general terms the seminar will address the role, that sustainable development plays in legislative and administrative assessments and newer forms of reporting of enterprises and public institutions. A second introductory meeting will take place on Monday, 15 April. Details (PDF)

Seminar on Development Banks
The Jean Monnet Chair offers, as a deliverable for interested students, a seminar about legal aspects of Multilateral Development Bank Operations. The course will be conducted by Cheong-Ann Png, Assistant General Counsel of the Asian Development Bank. Cheong-Ann leads the ADB legal team for sovereign lending operations in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Caucasus region. The course starts Monday, December 17, participants can receive a language certificate. Details (PDF)

Call for Papers
The Jean Monnet Chair and the International Economic Law Interest Group of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) invite young researchers to submit papers for a Full-day Workshop on April 3, 2019 at the 2019 ESIL Göttingen Research Forum. The workshop will adress the topics “Preferential Trade Agreements: Progress and Stability for the World Economic Order?” and “The Rule of Law and International Economic Law”. Deadline for submissions is December 16, 2018. Call for Papers (PDF)

Photo Credits: © European Union 2018 - EP
First Jean Monnet Seminar
On October 24, 2018, the Jean Monnet Chair has introduced its first seminar on the World Economy in Unsettled Times and the Role of the European Union. The seminar will be conducted on 23-25 January 2019 in Brussels at the European Parliament. It will address relevant questions of international economic law, including historical perspectives, system stability and the specific perspective of the European Union.

Debate on Genome Editing
On October 23, 2018, the Jean Monnet Chair, in cooperation with the Göttingen University Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, presented a debate about the legal regulations of genome editing technology in the European Union. The speakers discussed a verdict of the European Court of Justice on the Crispr/Cas9 genome editing technology, which concludes that Crispr/Cas9 must be regulated the same as other genetic engineering techniques. The verdict has diverse implications for agriculture and environment.

Kickoff Conference
On September 18, 2018 a kickoff meeting was convened for the team. The team was informed about the welcome news of being granted by the European Union for the implementation of the proposed project. The meeting has also clarified some details of the project’s implementation. Moreover, the team discussed a draft of the Chair’s research agenda. Further research is being conducted in order to finalize the research agenda, which will then be accessible for the public.

Selection Decision
On July 18, 2018 the Department of International Economic and Environmental Law was notified by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission about having been selected to be funded by the European Union in order to establish the proposed Jean Monnet Chair. According to the detailed evaluation report it was not merely but especially the quality of the project team as one of the award criteria that received high evaluation results.