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MSc Biodiversity: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
Duration: two years (four semesters)
Degree: Master of Science, M.Sc.
Prerequisite for admission: B.Sc. (or equivalent) in a biologically oriented discipline of life or environmental sciences; sufficient knowledge in German (to be proven by successful completion of a language test such as TestDaF or an equivalent test).
Start of the terms: winter semester (mid-October)
Number of admitted students: 40 per year
Application deadline: 01.04. - 15.05. for the subsequent winter semester
Main features
- Consecutive study based on a discipline-related undergraduate B.Sc. program
- Interdisciplinary module "Biodiversity" with excursions, field courses, and training in taxonomy;
- Selection of one 'field of major studies' from ecology, evolution and conservation (Note: Demand from students for Conservation Biology is high - it might not be possible to take all the desired courses as planned.)
- Broad offer of elective modules from different fields of research across faculties
- Master's thesis (6 months) on the basis of experiments or field studies, with a preparatory module of 2-3 months in intense training of research methods (Scientific project management and specific research methods (M.Biodiv.417)).
- optional students can choose the 'Double-Degree' (IMABEE-Programm) at one of the partner universities: Amsterdam (NL) oder Rennes I (F). This concludes getting a Double Degree by passing the second year (60 ECTS), including the Master thesis (30 ECTS), at one of these host universit
Applicants should register via an online form. Successively application documents should be uploaded until 15. May (for the subsequent winter semester). They should include the following documents (in German):- Certificate of a university degree (in English or German; as an authenticated copy or translation) upon the completion of at least 6 semesters in the field of life or environmental sciences or related disciplines in organismic biology;
- Curriculum vitae (in German or English);
- Statement on the motivation for the application;
- Statement on former applications for Master's programs;
- Statement upon former completion (with or without success) of other Master's programs;
- Proof of proficiency in German (level B1)
- Proof of proficiency in English (level C1) (internationally accepted tests e.g. TOEFL at least 85 points, UNIcert level III, CAE/CEF)