Project Management for Researchers
Target group:
PhD students of the GGG, other PhD students if free places are available
Schedule: 04.09.2017-05.09.2017 (09:00-17:00)
Historische Sternwarte (Tagungszentrum) / Historical Observatory (Conference Centre), Geismar Landstraße 11
Großer Seminarraum
Available seats: 12
Course language: English
Teacher: Dr. Nils Reschke, uni-support
Seminars objectives:
Be it the submission of a paper or the completion of a complex research project, a surprisingly large amount of academic projects are not finished on time, or at least not without causing considerable mental stress for everyone involved. However, a lack of expertise on the subject is rarely the reason why projects are not completed within the specified time frame. What is usually lacking is methodical knowledge about how to professionally plan and carry out research projects. This two-day workshop will cover the basics of project management in the specific context of research and scholarship. Participants will learn how to realistically calculate the investment in time required for the project, effectively budget resources and other capacities, as well as how to create goal-oriented schedules and deadlines to effectively monitor the progress of the project. The special context of research in the disciplinary culture of the social sciences as well as intercultural aspects in international collaborations will be taken into consideration.
Credits: 2 Credits
Demands: Filling in a questionnaire before the workshop, active participation, post-procession. Project plan (GANTT chart), short report on progress in project planning after the workshop
Application starts 15.05.2017.
Application only via:
Contact for more information: Serena Müller, Phone: +551 39-20449
This course is organized by the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG).