In publica commoda

Strategic Network Analysis

Very often, only specialized expertise is considered when looking for a new job or the right position. This is appropriate, but might not always be sufficient because not all positions are advertised! Some positions are only generated based on applicants' initiatives, emerge due to third-party funded projects or come into being simply by the art of being at the right time at the right place. For example, a new position might be created after a promising idea has been developed during an informal conversation at a conference.
This means that - in addition to targeted research activities - the building of efficient strategic networks is one of the key competencies for successfully pursuing a career in or outside academia. The training will give you the opportunity to analyse your networking activities systematically, optimize these for your individual career path and get trained in using your strenghts authentically. In individual coaching sessions you will reflect on your insights from the group exercises and adapt them if necessary.


  • Analysis of strenghts and weaknesses of your current network
  • Introduction to the diagnose tool "Strategic network analysis"
  • Network Map for making a qualitative analysis of the current network activities
  • Development of a strategic plan for medium- and longterm career development

Course dates:

12. - 13. November 2015 (09:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Registration deadline: 30.10.2015

Trainer: Jasmin Döhling-Wölm
Duration: 2 days (16 work units)
Place: Seminar room, Von-Siebold-Str. 4
Participants (min-max): 6-12