Workshops 2009-2010 Spirits in modern Southeast Asia Religious Diversity, Collective Identities, and States – European Configurations in Historical-Comparative Perspective Workshop on Epistemic Indefinites Kirchlich-institutionelle Bindung als Thema in Religionssoziologie und Theologie New Forms of Collaborative Production and Innovation Das "Akademische Museum" - Universitäre Sammlungen als Räume der Produktion, Repräsentation und Vermittlung von Wissen Das Sichtbare und das Verborgene - Diskurse über >Rasse< und Sexualität in der Moderne A Matter of Attitude Celebrating difference, promoting division? Religion, culture and conflict in Northern Ireland and former Yugoslavia Wissen, Sprache, Gedächtnis The Relation of Medical Practice, Medical Knowledge, and Norms in Bioethics Darwin Among the Disciplines Populäre Serialität – Popular Seriality Regulating Freedoms – Legal Incorporation of Jews and Muslims in Europe