EU, Brussels, May, 2009

Excursion to the European Commission & Parliament,

Brussels, Belgium, May 11-13, 2009

As part of our studies. We had the opportunity to go to Brussels, the so called "European Capital". This excursion was organized by the Department of agricultural economics and Rural Development . There we meet with some representatives from the EU Commision, ONG's among others. Complete program here.

From this excursion we have some comments from our friend Victor Aguilera.


"I found the trip to Brussels very interesting. It was a very good opportunity to understand a bit better how the complicated system of the European Bureaucracy works. We assisted some interesting conferences about the European parliament, German offices at Brussels, European policies and about the lobbying system. The city is not particullary beautiful, but it is quite interesting, it is very cosmopolitan since it is home to thousands of Eurobureaucrats. We had some nice activities in the evening and got the chance to enjoy some nice (and expensive) Belgium beers which are worldwide renowned"

(Víctor Aguilera Passalacqua)



