Excursion to two organic farms

Students from Agribiz visited two organic farms in Southern Lower Saxony

On Friday, May 7, 2010, a group of students from the MSc. International Agribusiness program of the Georg-August University of Göttingen made an excursion to two organic farms in Southern Lower Saxony. The Major interest was to see different models of farm development in the organic agriculture.
The first farm, „Käsehof Landolfshausen“, is breeding sheep and goats on 40 hectares. The farm manager, Heide and Eberhard Prunzel-Ulrich started their farm in the 1970ies. Bot stem from the environmental movement and the basic idea of the farm was living and working in a rural community. Products were produced in order to primarily supply the members of the rural community, only a few products were sold to cover the costs of the farm. Right from the beginning the farm produced cheese form sheep and goats milk. The experience of many years lead to the direct-marketing of the farms products on the market in Göttingen. Nowadays the direct marketing plays an important role in the farms model. At the moment there are 2 apprentice, two part-time workers in the farm dairy and diverse workers in the direct-marketing on the farm. The quality of work is still one of the most important aims on the farm.


At the end of the visit the students discussed the development of the milk-market and the effects of the oncoming CAP-reform in 2010. For a lot of the milk farms it will be very important that the milk price in the long run will increase on a level, where farms can cover their costs with the milk production.
The second farm was Biohof Berner in Opperhausen. The farm has 110 hectares and is a specialized arable farm. The farm of Anrd and Anika Berner converted in 2002 to organic farming system. The following issues were important in order to develop the farm:
1. the most important step was the conversion and establishment of the organic farming system on the farm. The most important crops on the farms are wheat, spelt, barley and since 2006 potatoes. To a small extent the farm produces pumpkins and strawberries. The products are marketed directly to food-shops in the region. The strawberries can be harvested by the consumers on the field.
2. Another important step was the integration of nature protection into the farms concept. At the start single measures of nature-protection (planting hedged and single standing trees on the field) were introduced. In 2009 together with the extension service on nature protection at the competence centre for organic farming in Lower Saxony, the Arnd and Anika Berner developed a “Nature- and Management-plan” for the farm, which is concept for the farm with respect to nature protection. Only around 20 farms in Germany have such a concept.


3. Finally public work and advertisement for organic farming is a key element of the farm. Since 2007 Biohof Berner is a member of the network of German organic demonstration farms. There are some events organized on the farms with the aim of informing the public on organic farms. Schools and Kindergardens are visiting the farms quite frequently.


The students were mainly interested in the motivations of converting to organic farming. Other topics were the crop rotation and the supply with nutrients in the organic system. The production of beans and the problem of supply with non-genetically modified protein was also discussed. At the end the students could see the new “Fend Vario” tractor and enjoy a barbecue with meat-specialities from the region.

SL, 20.05.2010